Writing your passwords in a piece of paper. Safer than storing it digitally and easier for people that don’t know how to use password managers or computers in general to understand what to do to access your stuff if you’re under a difficult situation or dead.
Also, physical photos. Yes yes, we all have gigabytes of photos, but almost never check any of them. Physicals catch my glance at home very often, great decoration. I’ve also took to writing the day, place and people on the back, plus any other important bits of context.
Grandma approved 😂
Fax machines and overhead projectors, if you live in Germany. Basically every office here still has a (frequently used) Fax machine and all schools still use overhead projectors.
It was actually quite a shock to me when my University retired their projectors in 2023. They sent an email to each and every student as a warning. Life‘s crazy here.
Magnetic tape. Datacenters use it for long term storage.
Writing down your thoughts! It’s not the same as typing things down, writing really makes me feel lighter and somehow reduces my stress levels.
Mediums matter. I think it’s because a laptop or phone can sometimes be heavier and slower than a single post it or piece of paper. Just a thought though.
Wrist watches. Extremely convenient, even when your phone is buried or you don’t want to be distracted.
Yep plus if you take your phone out you leave yourself vulnerable to being robbed.
- for the wristwatch, if you wear a 10$ casio people will think you’re poor
Oooh nice one. Bonus points if it’s a dirty strap.
I’d probably say something like my Sony Discman or any other CD player, if we’re talking the general public. CDs aren’t anywhere near as popular as they used to be thanks to streaming, but if you’re collecting like I am, a dedicated CD player is a necessity.
I hate that music nowadays is supposed to go through my phone. I’m on my phone constantly. It’s ridiculous that I can’t do that while listening to music. A dedicated music player is essential.
Although I eventually gave up on CDs and now I just use an old phone.
Those impracticaly large fragile things, failing in cars with the slightest shock? Never cared for them.
Casettes you could throw around, tape them if necessary.
Later minidisc for a short time and digital mp3/flac… So no thank you, like DVD’s spoiling plenty of movies by giving up in the middle due to a tiny scratch these things were a mistake.
IRC: simplest way of communicating online, and a bouncer can be availed for free
Forums: great store of knowledge and friendly, helpful people. If you ask a question in discord, nobody will ever see the answer again.
Why use IRC when you could use matrix
Because setting up an IRC server is way, way easier than setting up a matrix server. It’s also a lot more reliable. The downside is that it’s text only
I can’t related more on the second one. Slack and Microsoft Teams seems to be the default way to communicate in corporate environments.
Man, I really want to get back into IRC. Is there any good client you can recommend?
Halloy seems to be a popular choice on desktop. Goguma on android according to https://libera.chat/guides/clients
I don’t want to support Spotify, which is owned by tencent. I don’t want to spend a fortune on streaming services. I don’t want to sell my data to google by using YouTube, and I want to be able to listen to music/ watch movies when offline.
Spotify is not owned by Tencent. It’s publicly traded, and tencent owns part of it.
There are a lot of reasons to hate Spotify (and Daniel Ek) but this is not one of it.
The short version: Tencent Holdings is about to own 10 percent of Universal, which in turns owns around 3.5 percent in Spotify, which in turn owns around nine percent in Tencent Music Entertainment, which in turn is part-owned by Universal’s two main rivals (Warner and Sony), but remains majority owned by Tencent Holdings, which in turn owns 9.1 percent of Spotify. (And, yes, no kidding, that’s the short version.)
I collect all them. Want to get into Laserdisc as well
Is that a recent development?
For me personally? I have been steadily changing the way I source media over the past 2-3 years. Also I lately read more of other ppl going back to physical media for the same-ish reasons.
Just pirate it after you have subscribed to it a few times. The author has got their share. The only party you’re harming by doing this is the streaming platform. Illegal, but not immoral.
Buttons, knobs, plastic bezels.
At least according to the industry those are all in the past. The future is screens that go to the very edge of the device and absolutely nothing tactile.
And it is bullshit. It is less reliable, less convenient, less cool – To say nothing of the safety disaster that nailing a tablet computer to the dashboard of every car has been.
I used to be able to send my girlfriend a T9 text just by feel, without taking my eyes off the road. Probably had a 95% accuracy rate, but “I like your bombs” still makes sense.
One of my problems with phones over the last few years is touchscreens that go all the way to the edge combined with UX elements that require swiping from the very edge. It basically becomes impossible to use if you have a case.
Edit: sorry. Not less knobs and buttons. More knobs and buttons, less touchscreen bs.
Pencils. The ones where you need a pencil sharpener to sharpen them every so often. Mechanical pencils just aren’t the same.
Have you tried an auto rotating mechanical pencil?
Other mechanical pencils suck because you get a flat side on the lead. An auto rotating one fixes this problem and makes it like new everytime you pick up and put down the tip to write.
…for fine drafting, rotation is the last thing you want: that chisel-tip is precious, lead holders are love, lead holders are life…
Oh man reading the previous comment instantly reminded me of this problem I haven’t had any encounter with since I left high school. I’ve never heard of that, but if I ever had any reason to write anything I would love it to be one of these.
The only writing I’ve done in YEARS is signing my name on screens at doctor offices and pharmacies.
Aren’t mechanical pencils incompatible with scantrons?
Lol no, never, why?
Shouldn’t be. As long as you are on the same hardness scale it should be fine. The standard number 2 pencil just means its a medium-hardness graphite or HB on the grading scale. An argument can be made for the finer tip of the mechanical pencil can damage the scantron paper, but one should be able to fill in a circle without pressing so hard it damages the paper.
I agree.
RSS feeds
I started self hosting my own RSS feed a few years ago, and I couldn’t live without it. It’s the best way to get timely info.
And then you can be the first one to post it on lemmy.
I loved netvibes to get daily comics and blog posts. Unfortunately people stopped writing blogs and netvibes is also gone
Blogs are having a timid resurgence I would say. Also not everyone stopped writing blogs, I have been following some since 2008 or so… When Google Reader was a thing lol
I think they are a lot more obscure because we prioritise social networks over blogs, so do search indexers. But they are still there!
Comics are now mostly on Instagram, but you can make Instagram RSS feeds with things like rss-bridge
Friends stopped writing their blogs. I slowly stopped reading most comics, now only Questionable Content and the occasional xkcd remains
He really should bring back blogging and that shit was awesome
Came here to say this
I setup tinyrss a month or so ago, I just can’t get into it. Any tips?
Into your instance or into RSS in general?
Generally what are you using it for? I’ve had trouble finding uses outside of youtube and a handful of news sites.
I follow some blogs, news sites, and GitHub project releases so I’m up to date to what I’m interested in.
github is a good one, I didn’t think of that. Thank you
Fortran, probably
Alive and… well alive in scientific computing
Your caveman brain. People think they’re educated an enlightened and everything they do now is so well thought out. Nope, the caveman is in the driving seat for all of us. Even your most high level meetings and interviews are influenced by how hungry, horny, or hurt you are by a teasing comment yesterday. Everyone is looking to establish dominance at any cost, when you don’t really need to.