There’s lots of things I like about Christmas but for me it’s simple. I love the presents. Even if I don’t like the present I love the thought of somebody thinking of me and putting hours into/using there own money to get me a gift.
My favorite part is when it’s over and all the fake cheer dissolves.
I feel this. I have a really hard time with holidays and i hate the media portrayal that it’s a beautiful day for everyone. Abuse, neglect, illness, and everything else continues regardless of the calendar. This will be my second Christmas without my mom. I keep thinking of all the things she did over the years to make Christmas nice for me and it’s made me want to participate a little more this year.
I started to downvote you, but it’s an honest answer, so I stopped. But I can’t bring myself to upvote you either ʘ‿ʘ
I get this, after working retail as a teen/early 20’s. I hated the music, the commercial nature of everything, the fakeness of it all. As a special extra, for those in the southern hemisphere “traditional” Christmas food is so dumb here.
But you know what “cured” me of this. My kids, they are what it’s all about, they love the songs and gifts, time with us. Lake days and sun… its all wonderful to them.
I found out a few Christmases ago that I really love gingerbread houses. I used to build scale models in grad school and got really into it. Gingerbread houses are like that but without grades or measuring. My weekend plans are to order trash pizza, put on Home Alone, drink some weed sodas, and decorate gingerbread houses til I’m too stoned to hold a piping bag.
I also love that it is cold and I can snuggle my husband to suck up his warmth and make him yell when I touch him with my cold toes. 😈
Making gingerbread houses is so much fun… we’re still at the level of just copying from gingerbread house youtubers, but its a fun day putting on xmas music and making them.
I’m not christian, so idk if this counts but I really like all the festive vegan food options that have started being sold in the supermarkets at this time of year. They’ve gotten really quite good in the last half decade or so!
(Edit: my spelling is terrible, sorry!)
Die Hard.
I like having slightly more free time.
The decorations are nice. Haven’t really been in the Christmas mood since 2018 but I love seeing the lights outside
That it only comes once a year?
Time. My wife is a school teacher and I’m an engineer at a place that shuts down from Christmas through new years. I absolutely love having no schedule and just waking up every day with the kids and figuring out who were going to see and how were going to spend our time. It’s an absolute luxury and I love it so much.
Same. We have a lot of little shutdowns leading up to Xmas (Thanksgiving, off-site Holiday party etc) plus the Xmas shutdown. I’ve worked like 40 hours since Thanksgiving and it’s been glorious.
It’s when we watch Lord Of The Rings.
Easier to shoplift since there’s so many people distracting the employees.
(/jk I don’t shoplift, but I just noticed how vulnerable stores are when its busy)
oh yeah this definitely counts against the good things about christmas :D I live in a relatively rich part of Italy where shoplifting is very rare, and if you’re not wearing “suspicious” clothes (eg. clothes that might suggest that you’re poor), if the store is crowded and the staff is busy and you make the anti-theft sensors ring while crossing them, they likely won’t even question why they are ringing and just assume an anti-theft tag wasn’t properly removed during checkout. when I was a kid I’ve stolen sooo many videogames this way during christmas season, my parents where just too good looking to the staff that nobody ever suspected a thing lol
Mariah Carey. All I want for Christmas is you is one of my comfort songs, it reminds me of so good memories. Sorry guys, I’m this person who listens to it unironically every year
Love you too ❤️ Merry Christmas !
Same. I voluntarily listen to Christmas music all the time between our Christmas parade in late November and Christmas Day. And it always starts with Mariah, that’s the signature tune.
We are really the same
Seeing how excited my kids get. If it wasn’t for that, it’s just an extra busy time of year.
My favorite things is January 2nd
Actually though, right after new years is about when my seasonal depression turns back into regular depression
What happens on January 2nd?
January 2nd.
Fair enough.
all the holiday bullshit is over. no more traveling during the most dangerous weather of the year. no more seeing a ton of people out of obligation. no more shoving bronze age blood cult nonsense that just normalizes a beliefe system that promoted patriarchy, racism, misogyny and fear.