The IRS rules governing nonprofits still required the Mozilla Foundation to beg big to go big: the parent had to go find big grants from Soros, Ford, Knight, MacArthur, and give smaller grants to many. This put it in the lefties-only-no-righty-Irish-need-apply revolving-door personnel sector of NGOs and nonprofits (too many glowies there for me, too). Which meant I had a hostile MoFo over my head the minute I got CEO appointment from the MoCo board…
Of course I can’t comment on anything about my exit, for reasons that only the most loopy HN h8ers still can’t figure out.
Eich should have been banned from any technical enterprise after inflicting Javascript on us all. His shitty views just reinforce that position further.
Agreed, his garbage attempt at Self has caused long term ramifications for software development. We could have been using a real language for years now.
Between this, Proton and Firefox’s change of terms, most of the advice I’ve seen on tech that protects your privacy seems like it’s going the way of the dino.
Self hosting is increasingly the path forward for the privacy concious.
You’re right and it’s so fucking annoying. I really want someone to jump into the niche and provide support for those of us who get to remember how to sysadmin again.
I don’t want/need “plug and play” but I also don’t really have time to relearn everything I knew “in a prior life.”
Suggestions? At this point I’d love to have a backend for my email that isn’t Microsoft.
I run a small thinclient (HP Mini G400, but those small Lenovos thinkcentres and others also work) in my home. Cost me ~100€ plus a few Euro for a RAM update and a bigger hard drive and now I’m running Proxmox with the help of the Community Scripts:
It’s quite awesome, to be honest.
I just did a similar setup with a custom built NUC and I even got PCI Passthrough working. I want to get as many years out of this as possible. Proxmox is great.
Namecheep with free-tier DNS, and Zoho for email/office that respects privacy.
$46 Australian per year for a single person for Domain DNS Email Cloud storage Lots of sub+products for business use.
Not self-hosted servers … But better than MS/Google mail hosting while still secure.
Can I introduce you to your new best friend, Yunohost? It’s a self-hosting platform based on Linux designed to run on a shitty old laptop, SBC, USFF PC or such plugged into your router. Browser-based, loads of extensions and tools, the hardest part it installing it - it’s no more or less tricky that installing Ubuntu, but that’s still involved for many people.
the only one of these that surprised me at all was firefox going to shit, and that started months ago with a smaller thing.
What’s proton’s change of terms? I’m not privy.
Firefox changed terms. Proton is just run by a twat.
Proton is great though.
Too bad. Already paid for premium :(
im not aware of proton changing terms, but their CEO announced he has trump’s dick down his throat. well, as far as it’ll reach. between his lips, at least. so they can’t really be trusted to not snitch at this point.
Proton is fine, they use encryption, but don’t expect anonymity, since it’s email ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Glowies”? As in “glow in the dark CIA n-words”? Bro turned into Tarry Davis.
Urban dictionary says it’s a term that refers to when an undercover government agent fails to blend in with whoever they’re trying to blend in with.
Would that apply to James Bond? I’ve always wondered how everyone in those movies didn’t instantly know who he was. Kinda like Archer. Archer is definitely a glowie.
The books were clearer about this, in fairness. Bond wasn’t a spy so much as an agent provocateur and a major part of his role was to cause disruption, panic and general fuss, but in a controlled way.
Agents provocateur are actually what we historically had to worry about just as much as spies. They’re the guy who’s just raring to go do something a bit risky or really wants to run security for your event. Doing what they say or aiding them will get you arrested.
As a reminder, Eich was turfed from Mozilla for joining an anti-LGBT hate campaign (and thus alienating a whole lot of developers, sponsors, and users); and his So Brave browser pushed NFTs and stole money via referral fraud.
If I’m reading their financial records correctly, the year he left Mozilla was the year he was paid the most, even though he didn’t stick around for most of it. So this retelling of history is, at best, incomplete…
That is usually how severance packages work
Fascists lie.
Are you sure? You can’t just lie on the internet. Who would lie on the internet? Is it even possible to lie on the internet? I don’t think it is.
Ladies, I have a 12 inch penis and 34 million dollars. Call me.
I’ve got a 34mm penis and 12 dollars. Any takers? Ladies?
Not a lady, but I could use the twelve bucks.
He was CEO briefly, until the controversy over his appointment got loud enough. It makes sense he would’ve been paid the most that year, especially with the golden parachute CEOs get when they leave.
His appointment remains one of the most damaging events in Mozilla’s history, as it led to the resignation of multiple prior leaders (including previous CEOs). Making him CEO might’ve been Mitch Baker’s worst decision as chairwoman.
Oh, is that where the name Brave came from?
Brave is a peter thiel project.
I remember back when that referrer thing happened and people on reddit were tripping over themselves to justify it and explain why it’s actually ok… What a joke.
I mean, he’s technically better-behaving than Mozilla itself then.
But I think these endless splits over disagreements and inability to cooperate in the split state are systemic.
So maybe the whole typical-left “let’s unite and make a thing and boot everyone who shows a sign of rot” is systemically harmful. See, people who show signs of rot - they are the better kind. The really bad people don’t show any signs of rot until it’s too late. Actually they may not show anything, be like Mozilla tops.
And also one kind of rot is not rot for some people, and the other is not rot for other group of people, and so on. It would be good to build a way of cooperation where people are impeded from cooperation only with whom they themselves disagree, and not the majority.
Same as my other idea that there should be a way of moderation, where a person’s ability to choose is strengthened with all the amazing technology we have, and not with benevolent MITM.
these conservative actually think theres an actual boogeyman" left " in america.
Anyone not goose-stepping in jackboots is a dangerous leftie to them.
A word’s meaning is how it’s used. Also yes, there are.
I think the important separation is not between left and right, it’s between truth and lie, or between principle and momentary gain.
Brave has always seemed shady to me. I mean it has built in crypto spam.
can’t believe the homophobic crypto nut would also be a right wing loon
It’s always the ones you most expect
Right? How could anyone possibly be shocked by this?
crypto, homophobia, fits in with conservatives they all believe in these types of scams. either they buy into crypto, or they are peddling it-themselves.
Look, fool me sixteen times, shame one you. Fool me twenty six times, shame on you. We won’t get fooled again.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on glue.
Oh that queer hating fuck is still around?
Most of them are.
Sounds like pretty standard far right brainrot.
For those looking for alternatives, there are a number Firefox forks such as Mullvad and Librewolf and then there’s Chromium and it’s various forks (just avoid Edge and, now, sadly, Brave)
Someone’s been munching Elon’s Special K for breakfast. New marketing tagline just dropped tho:
Brave browser, because you’d have to be brave to use a browser built by a Nazi
How about just:
Brave: We’re not!
and downing dom perrignon for breakfast lunc and dinner.
I didn’t know that word.
glowie (plural glowies)
- (Internet slang, derogatory, far-right) A government agent or informant infiltrating an online political space, with the supposed intention of surveilling violent extremists or provoking entrapment.
So it’s a narc, but if you’re racist
Ohh, Thanks I did need a dictionary for the OP, but you still left out the racist 4chan verbiage around the etymology (“CIA N*s glow in the dark”).
Yeah… didn’t expect Google to plain text that one for me…
It’s a bit worse than that, the term started with a slur attached
Glowie, also known as a Glown*****, is a slang term popular on 4chan’s /pol/ board used in reference to CIA or other governmental agents posing as ordinary 4chan users…
The originator of the term is the late Terry Davis, a paranoid schizophrenic and developer of TempleOS. He used to go on angry rants about “glow in the dark CIA niggers”, or glowies for short.
He was discovered by 4channers and harassed up until his death. His choice of language, and mental deterioration, were due to them in no small part
If that dude got proper support, he could have done wonders; he made animated icons for his 16-color assembly-coded OS, and a simple 3d racer! All by himself!
Yeah, he was definitely talented. It’s unfortunate that he was not only schizophrenic, but also had followers that made it worse.
Damn, I didn’t know he got Chris Chan’d. Ugh. So fucking tragic.
Right wing asshole shows to the world again that they never improved and are even more of a right wing asshole.
This is why I never used Brave anything longer than a brief look. Fuck this dude, I’m glad Mozilla removed him.
Good thing I quit brave a few years ago when they did that Crypto shit.
Of course they did…
sudo apt remove brave-browser
k who’s next?
Sudo apt remove hyprland, when you are on it
try out graphene os if you haven’t
Is ungoogeled-chromium any less skeezy? It’s not my main browser but every now and then I need a Chrome based browser or some sites just don’t work right.
Ungoogled Chromium does a really good job of taking Google out of Chrome, so far less skeezy. None of that cryptocurrency stuff either.
Thorium’s OK too.
What cryptocurrency is integrated into Chrome?
Pretty sure the cryptocurrency comment is referring to Brave, not Chrome.
I imagine the implication is that no cryptocurrency stuff is inserted in the spot that google once occupied.
Are there any forks that aren’t infested with rabid honeybadgers?
At least two.
Maybe zen browser! Idk, my only hope is either Ladybird or Servo producing something usable this decade.
I like Zen ! Ladybird Pre-Alpha is scheduled for 2026, so, yeah, maybe this decade.
Hey I really liked Zen too! But I’m having trouble opening new tabs, like when I’m on a random webpage on the first tab, I go Ctrl T and the prompt comes up. I type in a search query or a URL and when I press enter, it’s a toss up whether the browser decides to override the current tab I’m on or actually load it in a second tab. Is anyone else facing the same issue or did I misconfigure something?