Fun fact: the entire Free Software movement exists because Richard Stallman got pissed off at Xerox one day, for not giving him the source code so he could fix his printer.
Fun fact: the entire Free Software movement exists because Richard Stallman got pissed off at Xerox one day, for not giving him the source code so he could fix his printer.
I was about to reply to the same thing to another comment about 300 tabs, LOL
It means a change either applied completely and successfully, or not at all (think “atomic transactions” in databases).
standard verical PC case
Excuse you! Standard PC cases are horizontal:
We have that already; it’s called a bicycle.
Technically correct, because they weren’t “American” before they landed.
They abandoned the Bible as a real guide long before that, though.
I think we should take another look at Slashdot’s moderation and meta-moderation system:
Admittedly the exact formula Slashdot used for awarding modpoints was secret to prevent people from gaming it, which doesn’t exactly work for Lemmy, but the point is that I think the idea of using more than one kind of signal to determine reputation is a good one.
As an IT guy, if I worked with Macs this would be terrible to work with
You know, now that you say it, I’d bet that’s exactly why they did it. They probably want to fuck over companies that would otherwise have racks of Mac Minis (for clusters, colocated servers, etc.) and force them into Mac Studios or Mac Pros instead.
Think about it, you outlast planets and stars. When those go dark, but you don’t die…nothing to do but float in space.
LOL, that’s just the beginning – only on the order of 1012 - 1014 years. After that, you’re going to be waiting around for proton decay (1036 - 1043 years), all the way up to 10^10^120 years* for the final heat death of the universe.
(* Anybody know how to get Lemmy markdown to do nested superscripts?)
going to HR over this seems ridiculous
It’s not.
More to the point, you should do so before he beats you to it, complaining that you’re not being a “team player” or something.
Implying Mac Minis haven’t looked like Apple TVs from the beginning?
Mac Mini (2005-2009):
Apple TV (1st gen, 2007):
Mac Mini (2010, first redesign after Apple TV came out):
Suggesting that billionaires need to be coerced to support Trump via threats of retribution – as opposed to supporting him willingly because sociopaths are inherently inclined towards fascism – is giving them a lot of credit they don’t deserve.
Assuming that there are any non-fascists left to react…
As someone who gets greeted alarmingly often by people whose names I ought to remember but don’t (I’m a minor community leader but am bad with names), I’ve wanted a device like this for 20+ years. I’m a little sad about the concept being vilified.
On the other hand, as an advocate for both privacy and Free Software, I always imagined it as being completely self-hosted and only adding people’s names/faces to its database when I’m introduced to them in person. I’m not at all sad about the particular implementation being vilified.
Sure, you can work around Microsoft’s intentional sabotage, in the same way that you can make excuses about “falling down stairs” when friends ask about the black eyes your abusive spouse gave you. But you shouldn’t have to.
Oh and…
It takes the same fucking time when configuring your Linux distro of choice, unattended or not.
…no it fucking doesn’t, BTW. (At least not unless you intentionally choose to use a ‘difficult’ distro like Arch or Gentoo.)
That’s right: it is a fucking tool, which means nothing the user does to it or with it could possibly count as “abuse” by the user. An OS is supposed to exist to do exactly the computer owner’s bidding; no more, no less.
But Microsoft certainly doesn’t see it that way. Instead, Windows exists to do Microsoft’ bidding, computer owner’s rights be damned. It’s Microsoft that’s abusing you, by whoring you out to advertisers and subverting your property against you, when you use Windows.
ITT: Stockholm Syndrome victims defending the abusive relationship they have with their OS.
Newsflash, honey: she doesn’t respect you; she only wants to exploit you. It’s time to break up!
That doesn’t excuse anything; it only illustrates what cancer the insurance industry is.
I learned how to make a really simple PCB in KiCad a few minutes ago, by watching this video. The thing I wanted actually existed already and I could’ve bought it from Aliexpress, but I realized I could save about $40 re-drawing my own version and ordering from JLCPCB instead, so that’s what I did.