I want to understand this comment!
I want to understand this comment!
I usually refer to im as “vi” just to make people think I’m old school and cool save time typing that last character.
But Obsidian??
I’m curious what’s the financial outcome here for the customers? I don’t remember what Humane’s price model for these pins was, and none of these articles are discussing it. For example… Eh I’ll just look it up.
Oh my god it was $500-$700 up front plus a $25 monthly fee. That’s just horrible; will the customers be getting refunds? [Looks it up] Nope.
Thank you!
That’s interesting. What kind of massage are you talking about here?
To be quite honest I never allowed my Kindle or my Kobo to go online and the experience is not that different. The build quality on the Kindle is a bit better superior and I might well go back. Calibre is the real hero of the story IMO.
I just got a Kobo color (don’t recommend the color feature; no book is ever going to use it except the red-letter Bible and House of Leaves) and gifted the old Kindle to a friend. I e-reader is an awesome gift actually because for a lot of people it’s something they would never evenly in years take a chance on, but that they would love it if they tried.
Why do various lines of this text appear to be rendered with different font sizes or weights?
Interesting. Is this top answer accurate then?
Oh, Linux started being like that some 3 or 4 years ago for me. Of course, it depends to some extent on the actual games you want to play. Destiny 2 is apparently never gonna run.
On Windows, there used to be (possibly a third-party application) a desktop widget that had a “turtle”, and if you clicked on the widget it would drop a little pixel of food, and the turtle would slowly walk over to it and consume it. I thought that was really cool.
They’re not the same thing, though. If you use infantilizing language with people of one sex until they’re 40, yeah, people are going to notice that and think it’s weird. I used to have a ton of unexamined behaviors like that before I worked on it a fair amount, and yeah, I was pretty lonely back when…
What language is that engineer and a nerd one?