A couple days ago; I’m an elementary music teacher so it happens pretty often.
A couple days ago; I’m an elementary music teacher so it happens pretty often.
Purr excellence
Yeah. I don’t use tiktok so this doesn’t affect me, but the only reason I’m here is that during the whole reddit API fiasco (which, to be honest, as a non-tech savvy person I still don’t completely understand), someone posted a link to beehaw and it seemed like a breath of fresh air, so I joined. I had no idea what Lemmy was at the time, and I still really only have a vague idea of what federation actually means.
There are a lot of people on Lemmy who seem to assume that no one worth knowing has a life that doesn’t involve a large amount of time on their computer, and that’s just silly. I’m grateful for the people who do have the know-how to build this space, but a healthy community of people is going to include a large variety of knowledge and experience.
Sorry for the tangent in reply to your comment; it’s just been on my mind for a bit. 😅
I was just now thinking through the pros and cons, and it popped into my head, “On the one hand, I would most definitely rather not have a gender…”
Family. I’m very lucky to have a good one. I grew up with parents who moved away from their families before I was born, but we always traveled back - once in the summer, and then again for Christmas. Despite living a ways away, I had great relationships with my grandparents, cousins, etc.
Then it was my turn to move away. I’ll be home for Christmas. :)
Yes! Nat King Cole is my jam.
I typically calculate a 20% tip and then round up. For demographic purposes, I’m a millennial in the US.