This is a common meme that you either end up as trans or a right winger when you use Linux for a long time.
Not sure about the history, but ! is one classic example and enough public figures like Luke or Brian Lunduke incorporate the other side.
At least I have seen countless podcasts with the only goal to shit out right wing content. And it’s perfect for that. Be a nazi, get some other nazi to join you for an hour and talk pure shit about LGBTQ/Migrants etc. Nobody will stop you, and most people aren’t willing to actually debunk a one hour stream of “arguments”. If there even is a comment section.
This is a common meme that you either end up as trans or a right winger when you use Linux for a long time.
Not sure about the history, but ! is one classic example and enough public figures like Luke or Brian Lunduke incorporate the other side.
Example № 1 here.
I love how you can see his right-winginess by just his website
Am I missing something? Are podcasts a partisan thing now?
At least I have seen countless podcasts with the only goal to shit out right wing content. And it’s perfect for that. Be a nazi, get some other nazi to join you for an hour and talk pure shit about LGBTQ/Migrants etc. Nobody will stop you, and most people aren’t willing to actually debunk a one hour stream of “arguments”. If there even is a comment section.