I came to Lemmy cause Reddit went to shit, so I get that people want to bash it and I also understand that most of the users of Lemmy are from the US and the shit show that’s happening there right now, but I am absolutely tired of these 2 types of posts being the only thing in my feed, I open this app because I want to learn new interesting things, and maybe see some funny and creative stuff, there’s enough negativity and stress in my life and I don’t need more of that on my only social media app. How do I filter these topics from my feed and which communities can I join to improve my feed.
The key is that you need to subscribe to the type of content you want to see. There’s no company here deciding what your feed is going to be.
@BackgrndNoize@lemmy.world, what kind of stuff are you interested in? I’m happy to help you find related communities :)
I noticed that too. I’m American but don’t give a shit about politics because it’s just too upsetting.
Go to the communities posting about it and click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and block the sub. I had to do this over the course of about 2 days while subbing to ones I enjoyed.
Still learning how to navigate this site and find communities I enjoy, but for the most part I’m not seeing the politics anymore. Hope this helps at least a little
Thank you for sharing!
!communitypromo@lemmy.ca can help to discover active communities as well
Sweet thanks!
I have two feeds: one is “subscribed” for all the stuff I’m actually interested in, and the other is “all”, for when I’m up for a bit of US politics, Reddit-bashing and weird German memes…
What I think you need to do is have multiple accounts, I have one with a LOT of filters. "Trump, Drumpf, Trumpist, MAGA, Elon, Musk, Tesla, Rep, Republican " you get the idea. Any community I have no interest in blocked, plenty of users who go into benign subs and bring up politics blocked... Its my relaxing feed. NSFW filter on I have one with the only filter being the nsfw one. I see the whole disaster. I have one on Lemmy.nsfw... for reasons. Filter by local... I have one
Why is your comment a code block?
I for one appreciate it when the AI let us know up front that we are conversing with a machine.
Come visit !dullsters@dullsters.net or !dull_mens_club@lemmy.world
I was kind of hoping for more Western African culture, news and discussion from this Mali-based server.
Unfortunately, the ML from lemmy.ml is appropriation and it actually means Marxist-Leninist
Well there’s some lovely anti-imperialist coups going on in West Africa recently, here please read these 30 news articles about Burkino Fa
Use a filter and remove everything dedicated to US politics and Reddit to reduce the quantity by 80%
Those are the most popular posts. I recommend trying to find communities that you like and subscribing to them, then read the subscribed feed.
I recommend finding communities you don’t like and blocking those, then browse the all feed. Otherwise you get 3 posts a week.
That’s not true. I’ve got a pretty active feed of subs, you just need to spend time curating a good list
There hasn’t been a post in /sailing in 2 years. Depends what you’re looking for I guess.
Sucks for you if your only interest is sailing.
No, for real: I have subscribed to over 100 communities and my “subscribed” feed is always full of stuff.
Lemmy is definitely rough if you’re into niche communities, true. So was Reddit in its early years though, to be fair.
“To Be Fahr.”
i did that and my feed is still filled with politics there are so many to block its neverending
I feel the same same way about Linux posts and pervy anime. Blocking communities is how lemmy dispenses dopamine.
There’s also “hide this post” and “hide all viewed posts” but you have to actually click on them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know - it’s exhausting.
All social and news streams are absolutely being flooded by American politics right now. It’s mad and crazy stuff, but there’s only so much someone can take before it really starts to affect ones mental state.
And Lemmy partially started as a not-reddit, so I guess it’s normal that people come to vent.
So - positive stuff you can do!
Subscribe to more communities that do interest you. Leave less space for the other stuff to come in. You can also block communities from your main feed very easily if you’re being given stuff you don’t want from them.
Youtube (with adblock) is hardly affected (or if it is, I don’t see it). That brings lots of interesting and creative content.
Going out into the world if you’re able. Reconnecting with nature, and also being reminded that people, by and large, are usually nice to you if you’re nice to them.
And I’ve been picking up old games and playing them more. Escapism is not such a bad thing.
Clearly you don’t frequent the NSFW forums
Set your default view to the communities you subscribe to. Don’t subscribe to communities that overlap with politics or reddit.
I also set keyword filters so I don’t see that stuff in case they start sneaking into my favorite communities
Which communities are you in 😁
It would be a nice feature to be able to share subscription lists. You could even swap them in and out depending on what content you’re looking for.
You do know you could have just asked how to curate your feed without whining, right? I mean, if there’s enough negativity and stress in your life, why bring negativity with you?
I mean, I could give you the advice without snarkiness about it, but I want to make the point that it not only isn’t necessary to complain about what content is there, it’s counterproductive. Just ask what you want to know, and you’ll get better answers.
The first step is to curate your feed.
There’s three options: all, local and subscribed. All is going to pull in every instance and community that your instance is federated with, and has been visited by someone from your instance. To curate that feed, you block communities that present content you don’t want to see.
For the subscribed feed, obviously, you only get the things you choose to subscribe to, so it takes as long or longer to set up as blocking on all. So you’ll have to search your interests directly if you don’t want to scroll all to find things to subscribe to.
The local feed is only content from your instance. You can block things as they come up and trim away things you don’t want to see, but you’d be better off taking a few days to check out what instances have the least communities that feature content you don’t like, then join one of those and that way need to do less blocking.
However, some apps offer filtering, if you’re on mobile. Afaik, all the popular ones do, and most of the less popular ones, so you’d need to go to your app store and see what looks best to you.
You can usually filter keywords that way. I filter some of the more repetitive names that pop up in political communities so that it isn’t the majority of my feed, but still lets in some that if I blocked communities, would restrict my feed too much. That’s just an example of one way to go about it.
I prefer filters over blocks most of the time, with blocks being reserved for communities that are totally unpleasant, or aren’t useful for my needs at all. Filters in an app let you really fine tune things.
For you, I think a hybrid approach via an app will work best. Filter the term reddit, block any communities that you find that are based on reddit subjects.
Then, block political communities that are US specific, and slowly filter out via terms like democrat, republican, and the usual politicians. That way, you’ll avoid us issues without missing out on news that’s relevant to you and your needs.
I don’t think you’ll get as well tuned via browser, even when alternative front ends.
Any tips on filtering? I mean, I still care about some important international political topics, I just don’t care much for trump, JD, musk etc. Also, Democrat and Republican might be present in other topics not about the US political system, right? Are there wildcards/regex/something else I could use? Some best practice guides?
Honestly, it depends on the app. I only use a few. Sync, boost, and connect only seem to handle full words, no wildcards afaik.
Eternity though, it has all the options for filters. Tbh though, I’m not great with regex, so I don’t use that on eternity. It has it though.
Generally, I only filter the stuff that clogs the feed. Filtering trump tends to cut out repeat posts that link to the same article, but since he’s not always in the title, some news about him gets through, which is about where I like it.
Filtering parties definitely cuts out some foreign news, since plenty of them reference the parties. I haven’t gotten flooded with those terms being allowed now that the election is over, it’s a fairly manageable rate.
I guess what I’m saying is that I adjust what I filter fairly often. When there’s a surge in a topic, I check the headlines and titles and pick what is going to filter most of the posts, but not all of them.
Like, right now, on sync I’m filtering “stocks” to reduce the tesla stuff without it filtering out other news around the company. If I filtered tesla entirely, I’d miss protests and such.
I’m starting to see that most Canadians are more interested in american politics than in their own countries politics. When a gigantic behemoth is wounded, and about to fall, you get a lot of rubberneckers. Sadly, I include myself in this list.
I feel like we always have been - the Trudeau Sr. quote comes to mind:
Living next to you [The U.S.] is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.
Only more so now that said beast is trumpeting, stomping its feet and shitting everywhere.
That’s a good quote! Thanks.
If it’s falling towards you, it is indeed good to pay attention to that. Also, please accept my apologies that our bullshit is spilling over the line.
As a Canadian, I engage more with American politics online because more online content is American politics than Canadian.
Would you like to discuss the failure of the liberal party to deliver on promised electoral reform?
I’m not terribly interested in electoral reform personally. It’d be nice but not at the top of my list.
I use the frontend called tesseract on my computer and block keywords “trump” “elon” “washington” “musk” “republicans” “democrats” and then I judiciously block communities that make it to all with stuff I don’t care about like European boycotts and pretty much anything about Canada.
How to use Ublock Origin to filter keywords out
Also you can block certain instances/communities/users. You can practice blocking users on me first!