A friend of mine once downloaded something malicious to his Linux machine and wasn’t worried about it. Then some time later, while browsing his files from a Windows machine, saw it and was like, “hey, what’s this?” Oops.
He’s a tech savvy guy, so I’m guessing the fact he had downloaded it himself really let his guard down.
A friend of mine once downloaded something malicious to his Linux machine and wasn’t worried about it. Then some time later, while browsing his files from a Windows machine, saw it and was like, “hey, what’s this?” Oops.
He’s a tech savvy guy, so I’m guessing the fact he had downloaded it himself really let his guard down.
That’s another reason not to dual boot. Ditch Windows.
That’s why you don’t store your stool samples in the same fridge as your chocolate pudding. Malware goes into the vault.