Trying Plasma for a bit to see how green the grass is as a longtime Gnome user. The last time I ran Plasma on my main desktop was version 5.11, I think? It’s been a while…

  • Blastboom
    28 days ago

    Lol, about that, while changing keybinding on spectacle (kde app to take screenshots/screenrecording) seemed to work, changing key bindings to launch keepass, somehow de-activated the key y. I noticed that rebooting fixed it, until I pressed any keybind (even ctrl+c). I had to reset the keybindings.

    Not sure exactly what is going on, but I noticed that if I opened discord it would type y continously when y was disabled.

    Somehow this happened again with x when I launched outerwilds and discord.

    Very weird bug, but I was too busy setting up linux to report it. I’m just being a bit hesitant to change any system keybind now😆

      28 days ago

      Woah, that is wild, I hope you did some bug reporting about that, for something to go so insanely wrong it would have to be a fairly bad bug but also hard to find. Cool trick though, “Check this out, Copy ate my Y key, I am without purpose!”