I ask because sometimes I feel very silly when writing clumsily in English and even sillier when I have to look up how to spell a particular word.
I want to know if I’m the only idiot that it happens to or if on the contrary it’s something generalized.
(Mi idioma es el Español, por cierto)
They should all be written in Esperanto.
I can’t agree more.
Mi konsentas
German here.
I am not writing anything in my code in German. All of my code, my variables, my default texts, my comments, my documentation, my UI strings, etc. are always and explicitly in English.
The only German I use, is when I provide translations for UI or documentation.
I don’t write a lot of codes, but when I do, it is usually a mixture of broken English and my native language.
You best backup your strength, cause you’ll need them to explain to young’uns what you meant when your 90 Years old
I’m French speaking, but I write all code and comments in English, all the time. The code is basically English keywords and symbols, the mix and match just looks weird, makes it harder to share snippets for help or debugging with non-speakers. Especially in code that will be read by other people after the fact, it also tends to make it less likely that this person will be able to understand it - maybe they’ll hire an offshore team or some guy who just immigrated…
This is interesting, I’ve thought of this before.
I write comments and commit messages in English, mainly because programming is collaborative. I am a member of a local association of young programmers, and in the community (discord, meetups) we speak Finnish, however all interactions on github are in English, so are function and variable names, as well as comments. If someone makes a PR and it’s reviewed, it happens in English, even if both parties are native Finns.
No, I once had the displeasure of working with a mixed german english codebase (where also classes and functions were in both languages). It was quite the experience.
No, It will look so wierd.
Exactly. In case you haven’t noticed, English is defacto communication language in most paradigms, especially in the programming domain.
Even broken English passes as English nonetheless