For whatever reason, Reddit’s algorithm decided I should start seeing that community, and I’ve always struggled to figure out if it’s just Linux users shitposting, or if there are people out there who really just have huge boners for Microsoft
I’m inclined to think former. Excepting X box players, I’ve never actually met anyone in real life who actually likes Microsoft. Only people who are forced to use it, and don’t feel like migrating to greener pastures.
For whatever reason, Reddit’s algorithm decided I should start seeing that community, and I’ve always struggled to figure out if it’s just Linux users shitposting, or if there are people out there who really just have huge boners for Microsoft
I’m inclined to think former. Excepting X box players, I’ve never actually met anyone in real life who actually likes Microsoft. Only people who are forced to use it, and don’t feel like migrating to greener pastures.
Yeah, Reddit’s got /r/linuxsucks
That’s hilarious. Is that one also run by 2 mods that are the only ones that post?
I also thought it was Linux shitposting, but I’ve had a few comments deleted there. I think they seriously hate Linux for some reason.
It started out as ironic shit posting which attracted and built an unironic hate/conspiracy community
It’s happened over and over and over again lol
As a heavy Linux user, the more I use it, the more shit I talk on it.