I forgot how good HxH is. Need to rewatch it again sometime.
I forgot how good HxH is. Need to rewatch it again sometime.
Many many years ago, a friend of mine installed a remote control plugin on another friends Foobar (music player) without their knowledge. He then proceeded to troll by messing with the volume and the track playing, not only when he was visiting but also when he would pass by the house. He would check if Foobar was being used and then would troll a bit before continuing. This went on for about 4 months. The other dude was going insane trying to figure out what was happening.
Thanks, I Hate It
This was the same reason for me.
To be fair that advice does work for Index Funds which are low risk and meant to be gathering interest over many many years. For stock trading yeah, you have to be on top of things
Where would military equipment to rival the one from the US come from?
Edit: Did a quick search on the largest military manufactors and out of the top 10, 1 is English, 3 are Chinese and the remaining 6 are American, so none are European.
If the US decides that Europe can’t buy equipment they are in a good position to do so.