Why can’t we have nice things instead.
I mention software freedom whenever I can.
Profile avatar is “kiwi fruit” by Marius Schnabel. CC BY-SA 4.0 | I am not affiliated with OpenMoji.
Why can’t we have nice things instead.
I doubt that would be the reason for their ban. If it is a creative work then in some countries it’s automatically copyrighted, but it’s not like most would go out of their way to stop it (unlike with like people reacting to other YouTube videos, films, anime, etc).
What type of reaction content? If it wasn’t using the minimum amount of copyrighted material needed to comment or being transformative, and was distributing the majority of a work, then at any point a DMCA will nuke em. Google might not think it’s worth the risk hosting that reaction content forever.
If your hardware ain’t working maybe there’s barrier to devs working on it caused by the designer/manufacture. Or we have not paid them enough for it to be worth their time?
Relying on info gathered from the copying of info without asking is also selfish.
No I don’t think users “agreed to it” because page 165 of 245 of legalese says Reddit owns the posts. If anyone reading does then why not complain about Reddit, not the users.
Just because you are “bad programmer” does not mean you are a bad programmer.
The total number of countries on Earth is… depends on who you ask.
Later or Agree
No Disagree option
A rapist mentality.
We promise we won’t do anything illegal and worth suing us over, so just waive your right to sue us!
This is a massive oversight in a country’s code of law.
I’m sure Nintendo still make great games, but that’s not enough anymore.
One day I hope more video game embrace open source/free software values.
This add-on needs to:
This add-on may also ask to: **Access your data for all websites
Is there a better option than for it to need unlimited amount of client-side data? Also, why “Access your data for all websites”?-
Prolong your browser for as long as necessary and explore the possibility of using the internet without any web browsers. Firefox is a last stand of competition, and without choice there might as well not be browsers at all.
Is it wise to have such a complex everything-app with no end in sight? (more like, no end in site)