Afford to buy Teslas?
Afford to buy Teslas?
Any serious investor would be estimating how many other people are not serious investors, and understand that those unserious people would swing the price.
There’s no value to bitcoin except people’s expectations.
Yeah, but can you pivot?
You see that bridge over there? I built that with my own two hands. But do they call me Hans the bridge builder? No…
You see the town hall building on the hill? I laid every one of those bricks. But do they call me Hans the bricklayer? No…
But you shag one sheep…
No, sorry, it’s a jab about how no one paid for WinRAR either.
They’re sponsored by WinRAR. Those guys are loaded.
We built out our company VDI with 8gb because “windows needs 4 and office needs 4”.
Somehow… somehow… everyone needed an upgrade.
Would it be so hard to get dual power supplies and a rack mount?