The “self-documenting” crowd is back in boys.
The “self-documenting” crowd is back in boys.
My immediate thought was: why not NixOS as a base? Building KDE is such a nightmare that if they had to deal with it themselves on NixOS, it would help them clear up their dependencies. Right now it’s such a big mess of unnamed and implicit dependencies that exposing it to the team would also show them how to cut down on them.
My hope was also that if the KDE team were invest in a NixOS offshoot, that the OS would finally get proper GUIs or integrations into existing GUIs like Discover (why not Diskover?) Or the system settings and other config management.
But, to be fair, I could understand if they considered it, took one look at the documentation and noped out.
Legally, it doesn’t seem like he had much choice. The war has been going on for 2+ years now? I’m just surprised it took so long.
Regardless, this is probably going to have an impact on existing maintainers as it most likely isn’t clear who will act as replacements. I’ll bring it up again: 2% of the Linux Foundation’s money simply isn’t good enough for the Linux Kernel. It should be way way way more.
The bloody managers are the biggest problem. Most don’t understand code much less the process of making a software product. They force you into idiotic meetings where they want to change how things work because they “don’t have visibility into the process” which just translated to “I don’t understand what you’re doing”.
Also trying to force people who love machines but people less so into leading people is a recipe for unhappiness.
But at least the bozos at the top get to make the decisions and the cheddar for being ignorant and not listening.
This is a great initiative and I wish there were more orgs that did this. However, I’m now convinced that we need opensource licenses which stipulate remuneration when used for financial gain.
I said it a while ago and it’s getting much closer now: Linux will become the OS for people who want to game on a Mac. With all the work going into this, hopefully the devs are getting nice donations. They seem to be doing a better job than Malus at getting games to run.
Even the creators of languages don’t know their own languages 100%. I wouldn’t even call them the limit. So, I’m good enough in my main language that a lot of code doesn’t surprise me. And I try very hard to write code that others can understand as well when in a team.
Are what point do they stop pretending and just make it a pure linux platform with a different packaging format for any linux app to run in? They are doing it with CROS (or whatever the new Chrome on Linux OS is being called) and maybe it’s time to do it with Android. Running a VM just seems quite wasteful.
You know that comment does nothing?
They can hire? I thought they were in danger of getting wiped out by legal costs. Have charges been dropped?
I thought they were blocked everywhere. What’s going on? Bunch of bots or something?
Holy shit, they’re nearly there! Does she even have a mastodon account? Mastodonians could be spamming her campaign to join it. Looks like she has a big following on it.
If it’s somebody who’s pure Gnu, then no thank you. They’ll probably take offense that I’m using “non-free JS” or something.
Imagine paying for youtube 😂 Giving the big bully more money.
I like the prospect of more Linux hardware hitting the market with officially supported distros. The European Union should be funding this kind of stuff to supplant Microsoft within its borders.
Anti Commercial-AI license