+1 for inovelli. Now that they’re generally in stock (got mine refurbished at a discount) I would use them across the board in a heartbeat.
+1 for inovelli. Now that they’re generally in stock (got mine refurbished at a discount) I would use them across the board in a heartbeat.
You’re probably right. Would be cool to have on z2m, but it’s a pretty minor feature that I don’t think I’d use in reality.
Their ceiling light (T1M) works but you lose some functionality - basically can’t use animations for the ring light. Besides that it’s been solid for me.
Just updated this morning. Fortunately, the only issue I had was needing to add the “adapter: zstack” to the configuration of my z2m addon.
Fortunately everything appears to be very well documented on how to troubleshoot most issues but I’m sure people with older installations with lots of legacy code will struggle more (my zone deployment is only 1 year old for reference).
IMO the inovellis are worth the price. I was in a similar boat - bought into the hue ecosystem (still think they’re worth the premium for how rock solid they’ve been). Plus the home assistant integration is sooo customizable: for all buttons (up, down, and config buttons) you can set an automation for single, double, triple, quadruple, and 5x button press. I have triple press on all light switches turn all lights on that same floor on/off, and quadruple press does all lights in the house (handy for when you’re on way out of the house or going to bed).
Still, can understand if you have way too many switches to make this economical. It’s not a problem to add a system of z-wave devices in the house too, but Ive never had a problem with zigbee and there seems to be more component options. IKEA zigbee devices are a killer value too!
One other option I don’t see mentioned here is wiring a Shelly relay behind your light switches. Your wife would never know they’re there (they install behind the switch in the junction box) and I believe they are very economical.