Currently, mainly just cooking.
In the future, I’m hoping to leverage it to create video content. I’ve actually been disappointed in its usefulness for writing sci-fi, it tends to want to argue. But based on the surreal images that it can created I am hoping that can be translated into creating 3D scenes that can be used to extract video.
When I first got my Magic Mouse back around 2018, I swear I could use it while it charged. At the very least the touch surface still functioned but I vaguely recall being able to use the edge of my desk to try it to track. Somewhere along the way they disabled it from connecting while charging.
Google’s death spiral will take a while but it’s clearly circle the drain.
It will likely never completely die the same way IBM never died but it will stop being the desired placed for new graduates.
Being born in the same town means there is a high chance of it being a relative of the girl and her grandmother.