How does Monero particularly help American money launderers as opposed to money launderers in general? Also, very strange to go look through someone’s comment history so you can use that to make some unrelated remark…
I just did some quick research on Matrix and it is even worse than I thought LOL. It was literally developed by a company that was originally founded in Israel and suspected by two different non-allied governments of espionage for the Mossad. And that is just what I could find within a couple minutes on Wikipedia.
Their contractor Amazon explained the importance of monitoring employee productivity.
will continue until Russia goes home.
absolutely delusional. Even the head of Ukrainian military intelligence has said that Ukraine could cease to exist by summer if a change in course isn’t made. But NAFO shills on the internet are still living in their bubble, I guess.
cash benefits money launderers as well. What kind of argument is this even? I guess the government should just be able to track all your transactions all the time? Reminder that the government that is in power at the time in a given country decides what is and isn’t “illegal”.
Hope you went to a credit union.
Glad I am not banking with any of them.
I normally don’t read it but another poster sometimes shares some of their articles on World News and I don’t think their world view exactly aligns with that of Axel Springer. Their articles sometimes can contain quite revealing information, so I think they should be read critically. I am running an ad blocker anyway so it is not like they are getting revenue from me.