I almost want to have used x, so I could quit using it and improve this statistic.
But I never did
Aha ok, well that eluded me. Thanks for the explanation!
I’m aware of what morale means in etymological and historical context. The article fails to elucidate what Zuckerberg meant with it.
The morale of who? The general populace? The owners of social media? LLM? And how will the improvement of morale stop ai slop?
Neither of those are explained yet are important for the article, as, you know, they put that in the title.
Are there others?
Hah,I didn’t know either, but love that you are around!
You may have cheated death:
Just go looking for the chocolate one
Wow that’s a lot, thanks for sharing. I can only pretend to understand the hunkering you must feel.
The ‘pikte of things that have failed’ mentality is the destructive part, together with the idea that having a baby would complete you (even though you acknowledge that as a false thought).
I can’t do much to help you, but wish you success. Try and be slightly more selfish for yourself outside of this idea, make yourself the child you want to show the world. Literally. We go to zoos and dunno patches and castles as those are usually places you go to with kids, but we feel like treating ourselves to it.
Do this even though you’re still in limbo as to what your womb dictates about your fate.
Veel sterkte, succes met het opschrijven en verwerken. Heb jezelf lief en zoek de anderen op die dat ook doen!
(Ik had je getagd als mede Nederlander vanuit een eerdere conversatie)
Don’t give up on it! But don’t stake your lives success on it.
Me and my wife are not going to have children (she’s about ten years older then you are, we had a miscarriage and left it at that) but we have it great together.
I know it’s too deaf ears atm and I really hope you’ll get your wish, but please don’t wager your personal happiness on it, that’s disrespectful of yourself.
Keep it going. There are genuinely nice people out there to have a relationship with. I only encountered my wife at a later age (she was turning 50) and she had a miscarriage, so kids are not going to happen for us (and we’re fine with that).
But you can meet new people, even at your age. I never had any meaningful relationship either before I met her.
De kenniseconomie destabiliseren, wat kan er misgaan?
Your schlong will not last as long as that material allows for. So I’d go with a titanium casting of it, complete with vulgarities, like the graffiti in Pompeii
To be fair, Trump did directly threaten Google to break it up. That’s why the larger tech companies are all groveling to get in line with Donald.
Unfortunately it’s pretty much by design, not even stupidity
Cutting funding to education and state media is the number one play in the conservative play book.
Yeah and with the effectiveness of the Mossad, who is going to admit to operating the regime. Imagine if the gestapo had that kind of surveillance possibilities
I’m as jaded as anyone on social media, but I do believe there are Israelis that oppose Netanyahu and his murderous regime.
I understand if the families only care about the hostages, as they have a personal grievance. But I don’t believe every Israelite is blind to the horror.
I’m split on this. Most people here that love the time shift also love winter. I don’t love winter but I do love it getting dark sooner.
Im on Mastodon. Rarely use it because I’m no fan of the format (same reason I never got into Twitter). I do jump on and follow causes that I support that switch to it.