Where do I buy that hat?
Become a Red Hat employee and you get one for free.
(genuinely, I know this sounds like a joke)
If a laptop is left unattended long enough to do a fresh Arch install, it’s probably been abandoned anyway.
1 minute and 14 seconds?
RedHat red hat
I have a friend that has one of these.
I saw one on the parcel shelf of a car in the carpark at IKEA once…
Unnaproved software installation implies an obligation to provide user support… indefinitely.
The arch installing bandit is anonymous. Noone knows how to reach him
Like the guy that installed Windows on your machine without you asking…
That same guy started covertly encrypting users’ data and then the fucking keys stopped working. I’ll take zero support over that.
Ordinarily I would be fine with this. I use Arch anyway. But an Arch system configured by somebody else? I’d be safer leaving my laptop at home!
But are the thigh high socks provided or must I purchase them separately?
If you wanted to truly punish them, install Debian Stable
Yes, the crime of giving them a stable OS that once it is set up keeps working reliably for years to come.
“Punish”? See how they react when they boot into TempleOS.
Oh, only Linux? There’s always Hannah Montana or North Korea Linux…but that’d be giving a foreign dictatorship a botnet node…
In which case I was gonna say “Well an NSA-friendly OS would be funny” but then we’re just back to Windows!
What are you talking about? TempleOS isn’t a punishment, it’s a reward
Easy. Buy a new laptop, let them upgrade from w•ndows to arch, then dump arch for something like MX or whatever else I use in the future. Then I wouldn’t have to touch the default w•ndows installation forced into me.
Look, windows is bad, but we should reserve asterisks for actually bad things that require censoring in all circumstances, such as Br*t*sh or *ng*l*sh.
Not to be confused with the “🤮” Emoji, which is reserved for the word “fr🤮nch”
Fedora hat checks out