Yes yes, I REALLY want to terminate that process and I am very sure about it too, ty.
both OS ask a process to end nicely? Then force closing in windows is with task manager or kill -9 in linux
btw funny story since many comments mention NFS/CIFS:
I have a share mounted at /smb and the server sometimes just dies so when I want to unmount it I run umount /smb but my shell (zsh) hangs after typing umount /sm and the b doesn’t even show
I guess zsh does a kind of stat() on everything you type but bash came to save the day
I don’t know if clean ZSH does it, but if you have the zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin, it tests if the path you’re typing exists every time you edit the line.
Actually no, it’s just that the programs on Linux usually accept SIGINT, SIGTERM, etc pretty gracefully. Some are even smart enough to handle it on a thread hang. SIGKILL is last resort.
Lots of Windows applications like to ignore the close request because Windows doesn’t have signals and instead you can only pass a window name to request exit which is the same as clicking the close button.
So any hung software won’t respond and you have to terminate it.
That’s how the task manager does it.
There’s third party alternatives that do it like Linux does it
SuperF4 was my savior when I tried playing modded FalloutNV.
Doesn’t taskkill /force also do so for the most part? Except maybe a system protected service or something. Haven’t tried it on those.
I’ve honestly not had this problem on windows since Windows 8.
Enters the chat
Unless it is nfs unmount on down server. Or failed disk…
Bigger fish to fry at that point bub
Is there some Linux equivalent to “ctrl + alt + del?” I get that killing a process from the terminal is preferred, but one of the few things I like about windows is if the GUI freezes up, I can pretty much always kill the process by pressing ctrl+alt+del and finding it in task manager. Using Linux if I don’t already have the terminal open there are plenty of times I’m just force restarting the computer because I don’t know what else to do.
Ctrl+alt+F1/F2/F3 etc.
It lets you switch to another terminal session, where you can use something like top/htop for a commandline equivalent to task manager.That’s what I don’t get about what they said above. If the Windows desktop freezes up, Task Manager won’t open either (happened to me quite some times over the years - less so since they moved to the NT kernel though). What you mentioned always works short of kernel panic.
I’d say it’s been over a decade since I’ve had an issue where windows task manager didn’t work. Maybe I’m not using exciting enough programs.
Try ctrl+shift+ESC And remember, there are customizable hotkeys, just explore the settings
I’ve heard those quick keys a thousand times but my brain has determined that it is not necessary information for me to retain.
most distros have something, yeah, generally called [something] monitor
you forgot that you have to spend about 2 minutes with windows “searching for a solution” (who knows what that does??) and then another minute reporting it to microsoft
This is entirely wrong
Lol yes oh so wrong.
Wait until you find out about taskill /F /IM explore.exe
“Userid 1000 will shut down in 2 minutes”
Or whatever it says
I haven’t seen that in a while. When you see that it means either that the service didn’t handle the terminate signal correctly or that is is busy doing something. (Sometimes both)
I was just using it as an example against the 2nd image
My problem with Windows is that when I want to eject a USB drive, Windows refuses to do so, refuses to tell me what program is apparently still using the drive, and certainly refuses to kill that program. I am removing the drive. I can’t just not remove it!
Okay, yes. This fucking sucks and it happens all the time on Windows.
At that point, you need to live dangerously and just yank it.
The worst part is that with Quick Removal it’s pretty much always safe to just remove it
I’ve found that in those cases its usually explorer that’s the culprit. Just having the removable drive open in explorer is enough to keep windows from being able to unmount the drive.
KDE now too
KDE can murder windows instantly (you have to set a shortcut), or you can also just send SIGKILL to the process
is one of my favorite commandsIs there a Wayland equivalent?
Open the process list in your system monitor of choice, right click, signal, sigkill.
You can also open a monitor and use top or any variant to detect the process number and manually
kill -KILL number
I really want the convenience of binding xkill to a key, which I can use to double tap programs like the undead zombie they’ve become.
Dunno, create a script that uses a program to get the process number of the current active window or the window the mouse is hovering, and then kill that? Bind that script inor a key with whatever program and voilá.
It’s more involved sure but there’s your option.
Great idea, now I just need to know how to do that.
What’s your desktop environment? I’m pretty sure hyperland and sway will give a json output of open Windows.
You could parse that with jq and pipe it into fzf or dmenu?
Not quite the same as the clicking but probably just as quick.
I dunno; I sadly can’t use Wayland yet bc I have Nvidia
I don’t know if you heard, but the Nvidia issues are solved (mostly).
The issue most people had was with Explicit Sync, which was patched in the proprietary Nvidia driver 555 which is upstream on most distros.
idk if this could be subjective, but what do you mean by upstream here? Does that mean it’s included in most distros?
Good to know; I’ll check it out!
Typing “kill -9” into a terminal is the equivalent to breaking out the acetylene torch when a nut won’t budge
Can’t be tight if it’s liquid
It even kills threads currently executing a system call! The brutality!
Never even returned to userspace…