Biologically male procedures only. EDIT: If the two people who downvoted this question could explain their reasoning, I would be super interested. No judgements. This is a safe space!

    5 months ago

    Do every test available for prevention and prophylaxis.
    Get your general practitioner to do a full health check, ECG, EEG, cardiac ultrasound, a full blood panel, bloodpressure, pulmonary function, skin cancer prevention ect.
    Schedule a gastroscopy and colonoscopy.
    Check in with an urologist to get your prostate and urinary tract checked.
    If you can, get a full body scan. Either PET or MRI.

    Nearly every serious disease or health issue is easier prevented or treated when caught before it casues real issues.
    Every cancer there is, has a better outcome and is easier treated when found early. Most of them are silent until very late in the game.

    This is something I would recommend to anyone: Take advantage of every preventative messure or examination that is available to you!
    There is no illness that you can detect too early.

    • K[r]
      5 months ago

      Omfg, don’t get a PET-scan ‘just because’. You would literally have to be injected with radioactive particles. The other stuff, while not necessary, will atleast not kill you faster.

      Last paragraph is also massively oversimplified. Getting a ‘you have cancer’-speech and treatment for a superslow growing prostatecancer will fuck with your mind and body more than the cancer itself. That’s why most health care systems advise against general PSA screening.