God doesn’t work. Linux does. Prayers to God are left unanswered. Prayers to Linux are accepted via well defined interfaces and answered if you have the correct permissions.
Tbf, God might consider prayers based on how they’ll affect the underlying system as a whole, because any human being with sudo rights would be a massive problem in no time.
Linux might be more appealing to some because by default it assumes you’re a god and fully understand the ramifications of whatever you’re asking of it. We’re wired to enjoy instant gratification, even if it leads to disaster. :p
God doesn’t work. Linux does. Prayers to God are left unanswered. Prayers to Linux are accepted via well defined interfaces and answered if you have the correct permissions.
Tbf, God might consider prayers based on how they’ll affect the underlying system as a whole, because any human being with sudo rights would be a massive problem in no time.
Linux might be more appealing to some because by default it assumes you’re a god and fully understand the ramifications of whatever you’re asking of it. We’re wired to enjoy instant gratification, even if it leads to disaster. :p