I’ll start with Saul Williams. I found out about him because he opened for NiN. He was great. I thought he was going to break through when I heard him in a Nike commerical, but nope his social conscious rap didn’t catch on.
What people or groups do you think should be more popular? Also name/link some songs.
No man is an island, but I often feel alone, so I find peace through…ooohhmmmm…
List of demands https://youtu.be/zDMtaIcrfQ0
Black Stacey https://youtu.be/kRsgavuG4sg
Act III Scene 2 https://youtu.be/IMfuQkwlpbk
Om Nia merican https://youtu.be/8gq0m29cADw
Tao Of Now https://youtu.be/DhQQseFcTGE
Janelle Monae has had some genius and beautiful sci fi going through all their music, as well as supreme bops, yet is absolutely nowhere near the pop queen she should be
Car seat headrest. Their songwriting and music choices blend together into something timeless and un-explainable. They’re my favourite band.
Greta Van Fleet is my favorite rock band. It is a modern rock band inspired by rock songs from the past, like those of the 1970s. They create blues rock songs and hard rock songs about resilience in life, as well as a progressive rock song that discusses humanity’s dependence on smartphone technologies. Other similar rock bands include Dirty Honey, with their heavy, relatable song “Won’t Take Me Alive,” which I believe is about difficult situations, and Rival Sons’ “Nobody Wants To Die,” which I interpret as expressing that despite hardship, we don’t want to die but rather seek a solution to resolve the problems more quickly.
I’ll have to check them out. I love rock, but I’m not familiar with the modern rock scene.
I just watched a few videos. Not really for me, but they have some range. Meeting the Master, Highway Tune, and Heat Above. Highway Tune reminds me of the Doors. It was worth watching the music videos for me.
You must check out king gizzard and the lizard wizard, there are honestly rock and roll hall of fame material, they are I think what modern rock and roll has evolved into.
They have a crazy track record of recording multiple albums per year for like 20 years straight and not a single one of them suck and they continue to get better everytime, idk how they do it but they do it well and i can confidently say this is not an exaggeration of my interest in them.
They explore a lot of variety of genres but I think people mostly look at them and place them as rock and roll.
DAK https://youtu.be/Q_igolfkQU0
Bobbing https://youtu.be/Q_igolfkQU0
Skinshape (maybe sorta well known?) https://youtu.be/ulOgzjdBdzY
Refused, I found out about them cause they were the band who did all the Samurai songs in cyberpunk 2077 and even though they had a bit of a bump they’re still really obscure
Now this is a band I should have known about. They remind me of Weezer, if Weezer was more hardcore. The melodic metal songs remind me of Evergreen Terrace. New noise is great. The Shape of Punk to Come was awesome. This is the high energy rock, I need in my life. Thank you.
I think Refused are one of those bands who don’t need to be big. They do their thing, then they disband for a while, work on other projects, then come back together.
“Shape of Punk to Come” is chefs kiss been bumping that shit for over 20 years now and it is still great!
Shape of Punk To Come is a straight up masterpiece. Blew my tiny mind in '98, when my world had come to revolve around whatever Epitaph and Fat Wreck were putting out.
Fish in a Birdcage. I suppose I understand why they’re not big, but their music is so eclectic, there’s a little bit of something for everyone.
The Arcadian Wild feels like the perfect indie folk band.
I heard Drunk on Pride for Fish in a Birdcage. They remind me of that Franz Ferdinand band.
Saul Williams is a favorite for me. I think he wrote Black Stacey when he was a teenager. Good stuff!
Pretty sure everyone’s heard of every band I enjoy, but I think Andy Shauf, Damien Jurado (especially Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son), and Doomtree should be more widely enjoyed.
Chuck Ragan.
I thought Chuck Ragan looked too hipster for me to enjoy, but Something May Catch Fire was good.
Now BOYSETSFIRE is my type of jam. I think rock isn’t represented as well as it used to be…
I don’t know man. When I was younger you couldn’t get me to listen to anything other than mainstream rock. But I came off a.stint of playing games like The Flame and The Flood, Hunt: Showdown, and of course Red Dead Redemption 2. And it just…clocked for me. Now my Spotify can’t tell if I love Grunge, Punk, or Folk.
I haven’t been playing the current AAA type games, so maybe that’s why. I have friends that love RDR2 but I enjoy more of the indie games. I’m still waiting for Silk Song to come out.
Can I borrow like…$100? I’ll pay you back right after Silk Song releases.
A band that is slept on hard and legit my favorite active punk band is Get Dead. Their album Dancing With The Curse is unreal cover to cover. It’s just 32 minutes long, but it’s a god damn classic! My favorites on it are Stickup and Confrontation. The signer was a hiphop lyricist originally, which you can kind of hear at times, but I’d say he was meant for punk rock!
This group is great. I will add them to my playlist. They remind of Whole Wheat Bread. https://youtu.be/vq_MzFgMwxA
The Roots in their pre-Jimmy
KimmelFallon days, and even now, are my favourite musical group. Black Star is another duo I would raise to that level as well.Taking a look at this page, for the Last Poets, who influenced Saul Williams, it’s a veritable who’s who of artists I love: Wu-Tang, Public Enemy, Brand Nubian, KRS-ONE, Guru, Mos Def & Talib Kweli.
e: I stand corrected.
Fallon, not Kimmel.
I stand corrected.
I knew they were on late night with one of the Jimmies. The band they are is not tied to how they pay the bills. Funny thing is, I can imagine Fallon’s face, but not Kimmel’s.
The band they are is 1987 - 2007 for me. The last album of theirs I picked up was Undun in 2011.
I think he’s right, it’s his favorite group!
Yeah, I’m still a fan of the group. Not too attached to their host.
Saul Williams did break through…… for a poet.
That is true. I don’t know any other spoken word poet.
Fish in a Birdcage is one of my alltime favorites. Great for relaxed listening and tends to have really good stories in the songs as well.
Destiny Potato. Technically impressive, cool songs, catchy motifs, and at the same time they show that it’s possible to make fun music. Plus at the time of their first release, it was a refreshingly different kind of djenty progmetal.
They’re known as Sordid Pink now, by the way.
I just checked out Destiny Potato. It feels like Sordid Pink is a more metal version or polished version. Either way, I enjoy the sound. Great songs. Thanks.
Everything Everything
They’ve written some of my favourite albums over the past decade or so
At first I was just getting a movie, but I think I found them. Cold Reactor, Violent Sun and No Reptiles, and I Want a Love Like This are pretty good. The last one has a trippy video. Thanks.
You’ve definitely found them and you’ve already picked a few of my favourite tracks—I’m happy to have introduced you
Omg. I had never heard of Saul Williams. Adding him to my playlists. Thank you for this!
Interpol is one of my favorites. I like to think they took over from Joy Division.
No I in Threesome : https://youtu.be/eAaXS_wioYg
I heard this group before. I couldn’t tell you where. Maybe a show or something. I enjoy the relaxed grove.