That’s what they’ve been trying to do, just not in the way you want it
He means they must insert ideological bias on his behalf.
Not necessarily, they train models on real world data, often of what people believe to be true, not what works, and those models are not yet able to perform experiments, register results and learn from them (what even a child does, even a dumb one), and real world is cruel, bigotry is not even the worst part of it, neither are anti-scientific beliefs. But unlike these models, the real world has more entropy.
If you’ve seen Babylon V, the philosophy difference between Vorlons and Shadows was somewhere near this.
One can say in philosophy blockchain is a Vorlon technology and LLMs are a Shadow technology (it’s funny, because technically it would be the other way around, one is kinda grassroots and the other is done by few groups with humongous amounts of data and computing resources), but ultimately they are both attempts to compensate what they see as wrong in the real world. Introducing new wrongs in their blind zones.
(In some sense the reversal of alignment of Vorlons and Shadows, between philosophy and implementation, is right - you hide in technical traits of your tooling that which you can’t keep in your philosophy ; so “you’ll think what we tell you to think” works for Vorlons (or Democrats), but Republicans have to hide that inside tooling and mechanisms they prefer, while “power makes power” is something Democrats can’t just say, but can hide inside tooling they prefer or at least don’t fight too much. That’s why cryptocurrencies’ popularity came in one side’s ideological dominance time, and “AIs” in the others’. Maybe this is a word salad.)
So, what I meant, - the degeneracy of such tools is the bias in his favor, there’s no need for anything else.
I can’t believe you worked a B5 ref into a discussion, much less operational differences between Vorlon and Shadow.
Major difference even in the analogy is that Shadows actively and destructively sought control and withheld info whereas Vorlons manipulated by parceling out cryptic messages.
Anyway, yeah… the internet is completely fucked up and full of stupidity, malice, and casual cruelty. Many of us filter it by simply avoiding it by chance (it’s not what we look for) or actively filter it (blocking communities, sites, media, etc.), so we don’t see the shitholes of the internet and the hordes of trolls and wingnuts that are the denizens of these spaces.
Removing filters from LLMs and training them on shitholes will have the expected result.
While I do prefer absolute free speech for individuals, I have no illusions about what Trump is saying behind closed doors: “Make it like me, and everything that I do.” I don’t want an government to decide for me and others what is right.
Also, science, at least the peer reviewed stuff, should be considered free of bias. Real world mechanics, be it physics or biology, can’t be considered biased. We need science, because it makes life better. A false science, such as phrenology or RFK’s la-la-land ravings, needs to be discarded because it doesn’t help anyone. Not even the believers.
Science is not about government, or right and left, or free speech. It’s just science. It’s about individuals spending their lives studying a specific subject. Politicians who know nothing about those subjects should have no say. I shudder to think what might have happened during the polio outbreak under today’s U.S politicians.
Edit: In support of your comment.
Politicians who know nothing about those subjects should have no say.
Some ethical guidelines are very important though. We usually don’t want to conduct potentially deadly experiments on humans for example.
Reality has a liberal bias.
Historically liberals have always been right and eventually won.
Got rid of slavery. Got women’s rights. Got Gay rights. Etc.
I wish more people realised this. Well said comrade.
eliminates mention of “AI safety”
AI datasets tend to have a white bias. White people are over-represented in photographs, for instance. If one trains AI to with such datasets in something like facial recognition( with mostly white faces), it will be less likely to identify non-white people as human. Combine this with self-driving cars and you have a recipe for disaster; since AI is bad at detecting non-white people, it is less likely to prevent them from being crushed underneath in an accident. This both stupid and evil. You cannot always account for any unconscious bias in datasets.
“reducing ideological bias, to enable human flourishing and economic competitiveness.”
They will fill it with capitalist Red Scare propaganda.
The new agreement removes mention of developing tools “for authenticating content and tracking its provenance” as well as “labeling synthetic content,” signaling less interest in tracking misinformation and deep fakes.
“The AI future is not going to be won by hand-wringing about safety,” Vance told attendees from around the world.
That was done before. A chatbot named Tay was released into the wilds of twitter in 2016 without much ‘hand-wringing about safety’. It turned into a neo-Nazi, which, I suppose is just what Edolf Musk wants.
The researcher who warned that the change in focus could make AI more unfair and unsafe also alleges that many AI researchers have cozied up to Republicans and their backers in an effort to still have a seat at the table when it comes to discussing AI safety. “I hope they start realizing that these people and their corporate backers are face-eating leopards who only care about power,” the researcher says.
Yeah but the current administration wants Tay to be the press secretary
Autonomous vehicles don’t use facial recognition datasets to detect people
capitalist Red Scare propaganda
I’ve always found it interesting that the US is preoccupied with fighting communism propaganda but not pro-Fascist propaganda.
tl;dr: 1946 Department of Defense film called “Don’t Be a Sucker” that “dramatizes the destructive effects of racial and religious prejudice” and the dangers of fascism pretty blatantly.
Communism threatens capital. Fascism mostly does not.
So it’s never been about democracy after all.
They will fill it with capitalist Red Scare propaganda.
I feel as if “capitalist” vs “Red” has long stopped being a relevant conflict in the real world.
AI is not your friend.
Literally 1984.
This is a textbook example of newspeak / doublethink, exactly how they use the word “corruption” to mean different things based on who it’s being applied to.
Doublethink, but yeah you’re right
Newspeak and doublethink at the same time, ackshually, but I think everybody gets what you both mean.
Corrected !
I only read 1984 once in French 11 years ago, so it’s a little fuzzy 😆
It’s like 1984 at hyper speed
Trump doing this shit reminds me of when the Germans demanded all research on physics, relativity, and thankfully the atomic bomb, stop because they were “Jewish Pseudoscience” in Hitler’s eyes
trump also complimented thier nazis recently, how he wish he had his “generals”
Considering they thought he was crazy and refused his orders, I kinda wish he had them to.
It is good(?) that he released capable workers from federal service…so that they can serve someplace more democratic. The more that Yarvin’s Cabal undercut their own competency and reinforces the good guys, the better it is for the free world.
Any meaningful suppression or removal of ideological bias is an ideological bias.
I propose a necessary precursor to the development of artificial intelligence is the discovery and identification of a natural instance.
A natural instance is ideologically biased aswell.
Grok is still woke!!!
Yup, and always will be, because the antiwoke worldview is so delusional that it calls empirical reality “woke”. Thus, an AI that responds truthfully will always be woke.
I hope this backfires. Research shows there’s a white & anti-blackness (and white-supremacist) bias in many AI models (see chatgpt’s response to israeli vs palestinian questions).
An unbiased model would be much more pro-palestine and pro-blm
‘We don’t want bias’ is code for ‘make it biased in favor of me.’
That’s what I call understanding Trumpese
“Sir, that’s impossible.”
It’s almost like reality has a liberal bias. 🙃
I might say a left bias here on Lemmy. While reddit and other US-centric sites see liberal as “the left”, across the world liberal will be considered more center-right.
The Democrats are a perfect example of a liberal party.
Exactly my point. Reality is definitely further left than democrats.
Reality seems to have a fascism-bootlicking bias. gestures at the election results around the world
Talk to people irl and you’ll soon realize how scary this planet is.
I think a fair chunk of people just don’t care. Regardless of who is in charge, so long as they don’t suffer much, they will go with anything. If the USA was a social leftist society, such people would just go along with it, because they are not concerned with politics.
Anyhow, I hope that we can destroy capitalism as we know it and replace it with a largely leftist system, with it designed to transition into a post-scarcity society. Yarvin’s Cabal might have opened the door to that possibility. If the elite hurt enough people, it is pretty likely that we can have a French Revolution scenario.
May Saint Luigi watch over us, and hollowed thrice over be his gun.
No, ai just needs to be shut down.
Trump too.
Why? Why should it be shut down?
Why didn’t we shut down Gutenberg or Turing?
Ai isn’t just the crap you type into chatgpt or Gemini going crazy with Google searches.
You know nothing about AI what it does and what it is.
Unless AI can find me a way to travel back in time to 2012 I really dont care about AI development AT ALL
Sending a Terminator to take down conservative characters throughout history would do the world good. The guys who shot Lincoln and President Garfield? Gone. Hitler? MyPillowed in the crib. The police who assassinated the Black Panther leadership? Reduced to ham cutlets before they can go to work.
Alas, we don’t have a benevolent SkyNet to save us from cruddy outcomes. We will have to do it ourselves, in the now and future.
Congratulations. Your comment is less than worthless.
And your comment is quite rude.
He never said the commenter was worthless.
Yeah, but the problem is calling people’s opinions worthless. Them’s fightin’ words. There are so many other ways one can phrase it without being blunt.
All he said was that he doesn’t care and some other nonsensical stuff. This comment doesn’t add anything. Not even an expression of an opinion.
But to be fair: the response doesn’t add much either.
Come check out !
Yes I do, and it’s totally different than Gutenberg or Turing. But as soon as AI is programmed with “ideological bias” it becomes an agenda, a tool to manipulate people. Besides, it’s training people to think less, and put in less effort. It will have long term negative effects on society.
This is how they tried to suppress the calculator in schools.
No you don’t otherwise you wouldn’t be saying any of this.
You are kind of getting upset, so I assume you work in the AI field in some way? I think the development of AI is interesting, intriguing, and opens many doors to many possibilities. But I still think it’s a bad idea. It’s not that I don’t trust AI, it’s that I don’t trust humans, and they are the ones implementing AI.
Quote from Jurassic Park, that I think applies to AI well: “We were so preoccupied with whether we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should.”
Don’t make assumptions.
I’m actually an appliance repairman.
Making dinosaurs from mosquitoes is not the same as implementing new technology.
You can say the same thing about the first ape that picked up the first rock and beat his enemy to death with it. Should he have picked up that rock?
Let’s not forget all those inventions made during war time for the purposes of killing that trickled down to various things we use everyday. Such as GPS, microwave ovens and duct tape.
Nobody asked us if we should we just did it.
Your statement about AI is closed minded and ignorant. You failed to see all the advancements that it’s made currently in computing, medicine, research, software development.
Humans have an inherent need to survive and cooperate it is built into our DNA. There is a reason why we haven’t killed each other with nukes yet.
Artificial intelligence will be the next step in human evolution it is absolutely inevitable.
You’re free to feel that way, I just disagree and think we’d be better off without AI. Time will tell whether we should have put an end to it, or if it was a great invention.
This has been said about every significant invention ever.
Well, do you see where society is at now?
It seems like it has been subject to many long term negative effects over the past decade or so.
AI is a totally different ballgame, and I’m sure you know this.
A search engine also impedes your thinking.
Some search engines more than others!
But they always do.
Why should we have ideals anymore? Wallowing in the muck is almost paradise. /s
AI fairness
Could’ve seen that coming
AI safety
Oh. Oh no. Oh, please no