Not too familiar with the fediverse or anything, kinda got violently plunged here cause the internet is setting itself on fire, so please be kind lol, I’m a “normie” here.
As the title says: is there any good usable alternatives to the mentioned platforms? If possible something close or on par with their features? There doesn’t seem to be anything of the sort as far as I know, not counting mastodon or pixelfed as those aren’t in the same field to the mentioned platforms. Anything’s appreciated, thx.
This last sentence is wild. People who don’t write software think it’s so easy, why can’t someone just whip it up?
The lack of artists is totally the reason, and not that building up an entire federated service isn’t easy.
Aaaaand there it is, this is exactly why normal people aren’t switching to these platforms, dude: not all of us are technical geeks, we have lives and things going on outside of this stuff, we don’t view everything in the same lens as you do (shocker, I know), not all of us are gonna worship what you worship, a lot of you are so goddamn hostile and then wonder why people refuse to leave social media, get real…
Again, not an expert here, do I need to put that in bold letters for you not to immediately be passive aggressive on first sight? I just got here dude, back off.
Also you guys constantly make random projects and forks off of stuff all the damn time, and their not small tiny little projects either from looking at them, from my perspective it literally is just about there being no interest, stop justifying laziness, nothing will ever get done with that logic.
My bad for bothering with your niche insulated platforms, will be a lot more hesitant with that next time, enjoy constantly scaring new people off and never knowing why I guess.
Generalize more! “You guys,” “normal people.”
Lot of words. Why don’t you write it?
Oh right because you’re “not an expert,” which means you can just spout off “how come no one has done it??” without thinking.
You just type instead of thinking.
“Why doesn’t someone just duplicate Pinterest’s search? Seems easy.”
Are you just here to complain? What a waste.
I mean it also does just appeal to a very different demographic than the fediverse has been built by.
Reddit/lemmy is a favored format for technical folks and twitter/Mastodon is very general purpose (facebook is more so, but it’s not really a many-to-many network)
Pinterest and DeviantArt are worthwhile pretty much exclusively to arts folks (which is also just a narrow demographic for something as niche as the fediverse), and the fediverse is pretty oriented towards technical folks, as that’s who built it. You also see that pattern in linux, the development of which has significantly more technical resources than design, with the notable exception of GNOME (not to say it’s objectively good or right for everyone, just that they balance their resources differently)
Like a solid half of the fediverse is just technical open source nerds. Who I love, mind you, but it isn’t exactly the category of people likely to value pinterest, or DeviantArt.