Something that was sung to you to help you sleep, and you’d sing to help another sleep.
Do Lullabies for a Deadman count?
Or perhaps the Lullaby of Woe?
My son used to only fall asleep if we played Voodoo by Godsmack.
You are my Sunshine was what i used to sleep too
Depends on how strict you wanna be.
My mom would play Queen’s we will rock you for me when I was still a baby, and well into the point I was old enough to remember.
You made me think of this
Oh damn, I woke up my wife laughing at that. That’s brilliant
I typically just make them up on the go but I feel like good night moon counts! :)
Everything Stays from Adventure Time
Tuba’s Song from Infinity Train
Mother would ‘sing’ the Oranges Lemons song. Er…
“Orange lemons sang the bells of St. Clemens” song thing. It’s longer. I don’t remember it now.
Brahm’s lullaby was the one mom would hum to me and would buy music boxes with it.
Blackbird by the Beatles was the one I wanted to sing to my kids if I’d ever had any.
Twinkle twinkle little star. It’s neat because there are versions in almost every language.
Was introduced to a Rockabye Baby! On spotify.
Lullabye versioms of rock songs.
Really enjoy Zepplin lullabye covers, but thats prbably just my zepplin fanboy status.
But i really enjoy the majority of what they do