I have a soft spot for the topic of people who are dual faith. It’s weird, you know. If you’re an atheist, you get a thumbs up from me. If you’re religious with one faith, you get a raised eyebrow from me. And if you are dual faith, you get two thumbs up from me. It just feels like you’re more open-minded if you are more than one faith.

  • remotelove@lemmy.ca
    16 days ago

    Both Buddhism and Taoism have some really good aspects. I would say they are philosophies and not religions and probably not in the context of a “faith” for this post. (If someone else wants to consider Buddhism a religion, you go right ahead. I won’t argue but assume I silently disagree.)

    I am absolutely atheist, but still having some guiding principles is still important. If a concept sounds good and seems like it has good intentions I’ll just add it to my collection, discarding any pointless rituals or “magic”.

    Doing good things makes me feel good and I like feeling good. I say that it’s ok borrow from any ideology that has well intentioned principles.

    I’ll add the disclaimer that the term “good” is subjective and I still had to learn what “good” means to me over the years. Buddhism and Taoism have always been aligned with the way I perceive life and are decent enough to extrapolate what the word “good” should mean.

    Am I dual faith? No. If we ever get in a deep discussion about core ideals, there are going to be similar concepts I share with many religions, though.