feddit.it, prepare yourself for the influx of new members.
Also, can we “appreciate” how idiotic the word filter is? You don’t even need to choose between false positives (e.g. “Luigi’s Mansion” gets flagged) and false positives (e.g. people say “LM” and it doesn’t get flagged), you got both at the same time.
(BTW if you want to avoid Reddit word filters, just mix some Cyrillic letters into your word. I bet that “Luigi” gets flagged but “Luіgі” doesn’t. I used this a lot while trolling in Reddit.)
People can just use Mario’s bro and if they censor Mario then Nintendo’s green bro. I wonder if people will use this opportunity to make Nintendo a word that ends up having to enter review.
feddit.it, prepare yourself for the influx of new members.
Also, can we “appreciate” how idiotic the word filter is? You don’t even need to choose between false positives (e.g. “Luigi’s Mansion” gets flagged) and false positives (e.g. people say “LM” and it doesn’t get flagged), you got both at the same time.
(BTW if you want to avoid Reddit word filters, just mix some Cyrillic letters into your word. I bet that “Luigi” gets flagged but “Luіgі” doesn’t. I used this a lot while trolling in Reddit.)
Rule 1:
Checkmate, terrorist!
Mario’s brother, a good plumber (takes the shit out).
Luixi Manxone. Lvigi. The CEO buster. Green Mario (thanks expatriado!). Crappy Yoshi.
Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Blue Shell
People can just use Mario’s bro and if they censor Mario then Nintendo’s green bro. I wonder if people will use this opportunity to make Nintendo a word that ends up having to enter review.
Green Mario