Does anyone else deal with initial load times that take forever? Once it logs me in it seems to be a bit snappier, but half the time the request times out.
I figured the issue was with my instance, but I can access it via web browser with no hiccups. Usually a refresh or two fixes it so it isn’t much of a problem, but I’m mainly posting as a sanity check I guess.
I have a different instance and my load times are fine.
I was having that when I was using as my main. Switched instances and it stopped.
.world was being a bit slow intermittently over the past two days, but seems to be operating normally again.
Maybe it was just the API side vs the website?
I would check with your instance before questioning if it has anything to do with the app you use to access it.
For what it’s worth, I’ve seen no issues with speed using Jerboa against the dbzer0 instance.