You know that rule “shut down all screens” 1 hour before sleep, but there’s always something to watch/to program etc. Have you found the discipline to do it regularly?

How do you deal with the going-out in the evening, if you strive to wake up at that time?

Do you have some interesting/intense routine like running, which was quite common in american movies?

      26 days ago

      Yeah, honestly why bother doing this shit? You got to enjoy your life, because you only have one. If you purposefullly forsake your life in favor of your Job, then you are doing Something wrong. Especialy since nobody will thank you in that Part.

      I have Had some shitty Chefs myself, but whenever they try to mention my being late, i ASK them very seriously (voice deep, tone down), If they got some issue with my Work results. Those ones pretty much stopped doing that asking Sometime Afterwards. Funny enough my last Boss wanted US all to meet daily at 8:30 for a Status Report (called daily b/c WE are “agile”). Stopped doing that after a year, when we Just sat there for a year in those Status Meeting Just answering the bare Minimum of His questions to our respective works. After a year, he started doing only a weekly (were we can submit things to discuss) at a better and more reasonable time. Which Made us all happier. So Fight won.