Written by: Craig Sweeny
Story by: Bo Yeon Kim and Erika Lippoldt
Directed by: Olatunde Osunsanmi
Worst Star Trek movie so far.
I like a goofy team of eccentrics but I have no idea why these people would be hired by an ultra secretive espionage agency. Did Zeph even get to punch anything in the end? Quasi really had very little to do which is a shame.
I’m glad people are finding it tolerably fun, I guess. I’m about 30 minutes in and don’t know if I can keep watching. It’s so bad.
Powered through. Hot garbage. The best thing I can say about it is it was a better movie than Rebel Moon.
The video of a trash can in Orlando that my kid took when she was three is a better movie than Rebel Moon.
Section 31 was better than either, though it was an underwhelming mess of throwaway nonsense.
There’s a germ of a good idea here. A show following a band of misfits around the edges of the Star Trek universe while they get into and out of trouble could be fun. Several of the characters like Zeph and Fuzz have interesting concepts which we haven’t seen yet in Star Trek.
The bad however out weighs the good. One, it makes no sense for a super-secret spy agency to employ this bunch of marginally competent weirdos and it really doesn’t sell why a team of by the book Starfleet Intelligence officers couldn’t have handled this problem by the end of the opening credits.
Two, a history as a genocidal space dictator isn’t just a quirky character trait. The movie sometimes wants to deal with that seriously and other times treats it as a joke. I don’t know if there is a right way to deal with it, but this movie definitely isn’t it.
Three, this movie definitely inherits many of Discovery’s worst traits of frenetic camera work and inability to slow down long enough for us to get to know the characters.
Well said. Especially agree on point one. I’m not a fan of the Discovery era characterization of Section 31, but ultimately there was no reason they had to be related to this movie at all. Georgiou had plenty of personal reasons to deal with this and to have a collection of ne’er-do-wells on hand without any involvement from Starfleet / S31.
That was the best Syfy-channel-pilot-for-a-show-that-ultimatley-didn’t-get-picked-up-from-2002 that I’ve ever seen.
Totally. What where even those flame throwers everywhere?
What are you going to do a 360 kickflip over? Water?
I actually enjoyed it. For a movie that apparently squeezed a season of ideas into a single feature, it came out pretty… coherent? 😂
Sure, it’s silly and weird, but I’m glad that the powers that be at the Star Trek industrial complex are not afraid to try different things
My only worry is that we’ll be seeing less new different Trek going forward as Paramount don’t seem quite so willing to spend big and greenlight everything these days
Despite my negative reaction to the trailer, and hearing all the early spoiler-free reviews validating that reaction, I went into it hoping for a guilty pleasure of some kind, where I can go “yeah that wasn’t great, but I kinda liked it”.
Not so much. (I wrote up a full thing over here. Spoiler: it’s a 1 out of 5 for me.)
But here’s some positives, since this group contains perhaps the most generous comments I’ve ever seen about it so far, and I don’t want to spoil that vibe:
I think the cast was decent; the guy playing Quasi especially stood out to me. Liked their casting for Rachel Garrett, and the bit of personality they gave her; it doesn’t stomp on her TNG appearance, just adds to it. And she kinda looks like her if you squint.
The core concept is fine, and with a huge overhaul they could have had something here. Yet by the end of this thing, I could almost see this going forward with more episodes. Few shows hit the ground running before finding the right balance. Unfortunately this will never get that chance.
The sets and VFX are quite good for a streaming series at times.
The angry face on the Deltan before she left was amazing? (I’m really struggling here.)
I think I liked it more than you did, but there are few criticisms I’ve seen that I don’t agree with. Enjoying it does not necessarily equate with thinking it was good, you know?
the guy playing Quasi
Sam Richardson is a treasure who is not always in excellent projects, but he elevates every project he’s in with his excellence. He’s perfect in Veep, and his guest appearances in Ted Lasso are brilliant.
It felt like a movie that was desperately trying to be serious while the cast was thinking it was a comedy.
Tone wise it was a complete mess.
It had some really fun ideas but overall I think the end product was worse than the sum of its parts.
In the end, I can’t say I enjoyed it but I don’t regret watching it.
Annotations for Star Trek: Section 31 up at: https://startrek.website/post/18738476
I was reasonably entertained while watching the movie, but ultimately I can’t quite figure out what the show was trying to say.
Given that “Section 31” was originally conceived as a series, I think the influences of that are clear. For example, the introduction of a band of misfits that are clearly meant to keep on adverturing and the framing device of “transmissions” with individual titles.
The challenge is that the time we were allowed didn’t give us enough time to really know any of the new characters, which is a shame because they offered an interesting and rare opportunity to see what life is like in the ST universe outside of Starfleet. Those unique perspectives are one reason why DS9 continues to be so well-regarded and why I found season 1 of PIC actually quite compelling.
I think the shorter format would have been better served if it was a story exclusively about Georgiou finding a new place for herself after what she had learned from her DIS experiences, maybe leading up to a final confrontation with San which interrogated the idea of a “good dictator”. Indeed, I found the flashbacks and her interactions with San the most engaging parts of the movie. But because that comprised only a small part of the movie, we didn’t really learn much more about her than we already knew. And the actual bond/conflict between them was never particularly clear, with San’s motivations coming from left field.
The movie also suffered from what I call the “Inception effect” which is that it set up some potentially interesting mysteries but then solved them in the most boring manner. Having Fuzz be the mole was such an obvious choice, given that they had clearly established his ability to control electronics. As I was watching, I actually thought he was a red herring and that Melle was the mole all along, using her masked accomplice to fake her death at the beginning (a la “Gambit”). That would have at least turned Melle into an actual character, but I guess Deltans are cursed to die in the first third of any movie they’re in.
we didn’t really learn much more about her than we already knew.
Yeah. I said in my original comment that the Georgiou storyline is the strongest one, but it still feels very much like the first chapter that sets up future development, rather than something that pushed her story very far forward. It basically positions her as realizing that maybe a “monster with a conscience” isn’t so useless after all, and that she can work to atone for her past misdeeds.
Which is fine…but it’s still a setup for future stories that may never happen. It very much feels like a series pilot, rather than a standalone movie.
I completely agree with all of the other stuff you mention about the other characters, and I think it just screams, “we tried to compress an entire season’s worth of story into a single movie.” A lot of stuff happens, but everything that would get us invested in the characters was cut.
The Fuzz reveal makes a lot more sense if if happens in, say, episode 7 out of 10.
The movie ended up being what I expected from the trailer: a disappointment. This should have been a movie just about Georgiou, and a movie about Section 32 should have been something else a entirely.
The Hunger Games concept was kind of dumb, but I actually liked the San story. It gives Georgiou more depth and complexity, but it could have been a lot more. Unfortunately, it was just sandwiched in between an action-whodunnit with a lot of new characters (who were not adequately developed on their own rights) instead of being a drama with some action scenes, as a story like it should have been.
I love Michelle Yeoh, and I’ll watch her in anything, but this was a poorly written and directed movie that didn’t know what it should have been.
I hope the prequel film will be better.
Some random thoughts:
- I like that this current era of Star Trek tries out new styles instead of simply copying the “7-ish crew members stand around on the bridge of a Starfleet ship and go on weekly adventures” formula. Some of those new styles work, others don’t. Section 31 unfortunately didn’t work. But this TV Movie format could be a neat way to try out new things.
- As a lifelong Star Trek fan I liked the species they’ve brought back (Deltans! Cherons!) and giving the tricorders the TNG sound effect was neat too. Also, I’ll have a closer look on the Federation map. I always love those canon tidbits.
- Speaking of canon tidbits, at the end of the movie they go on a mission on Turkana IV. That’s Tasha Yar’s home planet on which the government breaks down sometime in the 2330s. And judging by Rachel Garret being a Lieutenant Commander she’s probably still a decade or so away from commanding the Enterprise-C, so the Section 31 movie is set in 2330s. That means that Section 31 could have a hand in Turkana IV’s government collapse (either causing it or trying to prevent it).
- The characters in this movie behave just as nonsensical as the DISCO characters. They condemn Georgiou for being Literally Space Hitler but in the end they all hug and become best friends. WTF?
- Other than that, this is a generic sci-fi action movie. If it weren’t for the couple of species and namedrops, this wouldn’t have any connection to Star Trek.
- If I had a bar of gold-pressed latinum everytime they produce Star Trek movie featuring Section 31, and that movie then became the worst Star Trek movie at the time, then I had two bars of gold-pressed latinum. Which isn’t a lot but it’s still weird that they made that mistake twice.
Okay, I enjoyed it as a breezy action movie.
I had a goofy grin on my face for much of the first act - it had style, which sort of fell away over time, which was unfortunate.
The Georgiou story is by far the strongest aspect of the movie - long-lost lover seeking revenge isn’t the most original of plots, but it’s executed well enough, and Michelle Yeoh is pretty terrific as expected. I particularly liked her line about a monster with a conscience being useless.
The middle act probably should have been simplified. The mole storyline was a distraction that prevented us from getting to know the new characters, and every single one of them suffers for it. Garrett’s storyline needed more meat, and I would have appreciated more time spent with Alok beyond just the exposition of his backstory. Quasi skates by on Sam Richardson’s considerable charm alone.
All in all, I think the movie is worth the time, even if no one’s going to call it “deep” any time soon. I’d certainly be interested in watching them go to Turkana IV.
RIP Zeph. You were too beautiful for this world.
So the Terran empire runs some kinda hunger games for the next evil emperor… and the current evil emperor is just cool with abdicating I guess?
I wish I could enjoy it, but it just feels so dumb to watch a fairy tale transfer of power in the most evil setting.
LOL my guess - and it’s only a guess - is that this is what happens when the previous Emperor either dies or abdicates willingly.
Which would make it maybe the seventh most ridiculous thing about the Terran Empire.