Cory Doctorow details the path to the enshitifications of Facebook and Twitter.
“This is what changed: the collapse of market, government, and labor constraints, and IP law’s criminalization of disenshittifying, interoperable add-ons. This is why Zuck, an eternal creep, is now letting his creep flag fly so proudly today. Not because he’s a worse person, but because he understands that he can hurt his users and workers to benefit his shareholders without facing any consequences. Zuckerberg 2025 isn’t the most evil Zuck, he’s the most unconstrained Zuck.”
Opinionated piece with no substance or analysis, author already has some answer in mind and is trying to spin everything around to support it.
Just to illustrate:
In this very link, in court-released emails Zuck states they’re buying Instagram because they have good growth and Facebook mobile usability is shit. It’s just 2 different types of social networks, back in 2012 you couldn’t even DM on Instagram, it wasn’t a replacement for Facebook by any means and vice versa. Zuck was just not happy that people spend their phone screen time outside of his reach.