Ok, you’ve got me on the wording. He wasn’t in jail because he paid for hits, but my point being no matter your thoughts on drug policy, Ross should be in prison
Speaking of convicted, pretty sure at least two of the FBI agents assigned to investigate him WERE convicted and sent to jail for personally stealing funds from silk road during the investigation. The whole thing was mishandled from the beginning and the people he ‘ordered to kill’ weren’t even real people, they were fake identities created by the same FBI agents that were posing as the hitmen and mishandling evidence. Reeks of entrapment.
Fact: He wasn’t convicted, so this is just the government claiming someone they dont like did something without proving it (again the proof lacking is the payments, because nobody died)
Correct me if I’m wrong: IIRC the feds sent back mock pictures to ‘confirm’ the victims were killed, so I don’t know if anyone was assassinated in reality but, as you said, Ulbricht payed to have them murdered.
That doesn’t mean they’re scams. Ross really did earnestly pay to get people killed, he just got caught in a honey trap trying to do so and that’s a good thing
when the government puts a gun in the hands of someone under pressure and whispers in their ear “do it. Kill them. Pull the trigger” I’d say they’re innocent 100% of the time
If you manipulate someone into doing a violent crime, the person who did the manipulation is the criminal
So, the charges are dismissed with prejudice, the DEA agent imprisoned for corruption, the alleged victim testifies in his favor. What makes the other narrative compelling? I see people citing the court document in which the claims were made… But what is the value of that document if the result was a dismissal with prejudice? Shouldn’t that support the innocence narrative?
I am genuinely curious. I’m not necessarily advocating his innocence, I want to understand what other people know that makes them so convinced that he is guilty of this.
Just to note, charges dismissed with prejudice means that the prosecution can’t correct the errors and re-file the case. It’s usually done when the judge has pretty compelling evidence that the charges are garbage, or there’s really egregious prosecutorial misconduct.
Keep in mind that a big part of why Ulbricht was in jail was paying to have multiple people murdered
I’ve never heard about this.
Can you provide a source?
Google dude. It was all over the news back when it was new news.
Google didn’t turn up anything conclusive.
Are you sure you’re not misremembering this or making it up? It should be pretty easy for you to provide a source if it’s true.
Was it? It wasn’t mentioned in the article and I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before.
“Ulbricht was found guilty of charges including conspiracy to commit drug trafficking, money laundering and computer hacking.”
Here you go: https://www.wired.com/2015/02/read-transcript-silk-roads-boss-ordering-5-assassinations/
False. Those charges were all dismissed. Dont spread misinformation.
Ok, you’ve got me on the wording. He wasn’t in jail because he paid for hits, but my point being no matter your thoughts on drug policy, Ross should be in prison
He paid money to have people killed in order to protect his profits
The fact that he wasn’t convicted of it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen
Speaking of convicted, pretty sure at least two of the FBI agents assigned to investigate him WERE convicted and sent to jail for personally stealing funds from silk road during the investigation. The whole thing was mishandled from the beginning and the people he ‘ordered to kill’ weren’t even real people, they were fake identities created by the same FBI agents that were posing as the hitmen and mishandling evidence. Reeks of entrapment.
As always violence is a result of fed involvement, remove them from the picture and everything is fine.
Fact: nobody was actually killed.
Fact: He wasn’t convicted, so this is just the government claiming someone they dont like did something without proving it (again the proof lacking is the payments, because nobody died)
Correct me if I’m wrong: IIRC the feds sent back mock pictures to ‘confirm’ the victims were killed, so I don’t know if anyone was assassinated in reality but, as you said, Ulbricht payed to have them murdered.
You’re correct. They were all scams, including one by the US government
That doesn’t mean they’re scams. Ross really did earnestly pay to get people killed, he just got caught in a honey trap trying to do so and that’s a good thing
when the government puts a gun in the hands of someone under pressure and whispers in their ear “do it. Kill them. Pull the trigger” I’d say they’re innocent 100% of the time
If you manipulate someone into doing a violent crime, the person who did the manipulation is the criminal
I have seen this repeated multiple times on Lemmy. When I look this up, I find:
So, the charges are dismissed with prejudice, the DEA agent imprisoned for corruption, the alleged victim testifies in his favor. What makes the other narrative compelling? I see people citing the court document in which the claims were made… But what is the value of that document if the result was a dismissal with prejudice? Shouldn’t that support the innocence narrative?
I am genuinely curious. I’m not necessarily advocating his innocence, I want to understand what other people know that makes them so convinced that he is guilty of this.
Just to note, charges dismissed with prejudice means that the prosecution can’t correct the errors and re-file the case. It’s usually done when the judge has pretty compelling evidence that the charges are garbage, or there’s really egregious prosecutorial misconduct.
Did you just restate exactly what the person above you already said?
I was clarifying and adding more details, and also restating to make it clear I wasn’t disagreeing at all or trivializing it.