self-explenatory 🦆
QuACk! qUAcK!
Get out of here with that actual talent. /s
Edit: done with controlled text to image ai tools, just to be clear. I am not this talented lol
He’s so cute 🥺 I love his lil plump face
I love this sort of art style
Granny Duck!
A business bird!
Bidness boils down to
I had to.
Gondor, stop burninating the countryside!
Ok fine, I’ll give you a cookie too…
You stop that. Stop that right now. We will not bring trends from that other site here, no matter how well executed that are.
Trogdor was popular way before Reddit
What site did it originate from?
“Ooh, where–”
I won’t say why but I feel personally attacked by this duck. Well done!
Three ducks in a trench coat
Add an exclamation point to the front of the image <3
Like this:  Not this: [](https://sad.quack)
(Not my art)
(Not my art)
This is how the older hardcore democrats see Biden
Damn autocorrect striking again.
duck girl
i haven’t drawn a person since grade school but this post has given me the courage
This duck is going through a phase.
Strangely reminds me of high school…
PhD in Quackery