That hurt. Reading her talking about a suicide plan hurt a lot. I recognize some of that pain. I’ve been carrying my own since the election. I can hear an echo of myself. “A few years of joy after finding myself and now they’re trying to take it all away.” I wish I could help. I reached out on Bluesky but I wish I could do more. I can’t not think about it. I know it’s going to get worse. I know I’m going to lose siblings in the near future, many of whom I will never meet. I know that list of names on TDOR is just going to get longer. But I refuse to let myself become numb to it. If grief is the only way I can love, I will do it. Until it’s time for someone to say my name.
I have friends who are trans. I hate that they have to live in fear. I hate that I have to worry for them. I hate that this person has to feel this way.
I’m European, but this weird backwards movement is also gaining traction here, be it not (yet) as extreme as in the USA I think. I’m a straight, old (63), white guy to be honest. I do feel you have the right to live in the body that fits you. You also have the right not to be hassled by others for being trans. More accurate: you should have those rights. I obviously can’t feel exactly what you feel. I do feel sorry that we all end up in a world like this. It’s rewinding roughly 50 years back I think. To me, the world seems insane: truth is irrelevant, money buys everything, science and knowledge are something to make fun off. Decency is dead. I can imagine why you feel that way. Still, I have hope that one day there will be a counter movement. Back to the sanity, decency, behaving like a human being again. I can’t ask you to stick around to help that to happen. I hope you do. Don’t leave us alone with these ruthless monsters. Take care. I do wish you all the best.