Article written like it’s someone that just discovered types even though a majority of the programming world said to use types for decades…
Also I completely disagree with the assertion that you should write everything including backend in typescript in order to share types. You should be using a schema and generating your types if you are writing large systems. That way any service that uses your APIs can generate the types as well and isn’t locked in to your language.
And please dear lord stop writing backend code in JavaScript or typescript or any scripting language.
Other than that, yes, use types. They literally do exactly what every proponent of types has said they do for years. Turns out it’s a huge benefit!
Article written like it’s someone that just discovered types even though a majority of the programming world said to use types for decades…
Yeah, how dare the author discover something that they did not know before and get so excited about it that they wanted to write an article about what they learned! That is a completely inappropriate thing to do with a personal blog.
They mention their company numerous times over, sure doesn’t seem like a personal blog. It seems like a company discovering something that has been documented over and over again.
Article written like it’s someone that just discovered types even though a majority of the programming world said to use types for decades…
Also I completely disagree with the assertion that you should write everything including backend in typescript in order to share types. You should be using a schema and generating your types if you are writing large systems. That way any service that uses your APIs can generate the types as well and isn’t locked in to your language.
And please dear lord stop writing backend code in JavaScript or typescript or any scripting language.
Other than that, yes, use types. They literally do exactly what every proponent of types has said they do for years. Turns out it’s a huge benefit!
Yeah, how dare the author discover something that they did not know before and get so excited about it that they wanted to write an article about what they learned! That is a completely inappropriate thing to do with a personal blog.
They mention their company numerous times over, sure doesn’t seem like a personal blog. It seems like a company discovering something that has been documented over and over again.