• blind3rdeye@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    My computer has a problem where occasionally it will become completely unresponsive. (Mouse cursor doesn’t move. Keys have no apparently effect. Whatever app is running freezes. I think its a hardware problem with the graphics card, but I don’t know what. Logs at the time it freezes say “the GPU has fallen off the bus”.)

    Anyway… I recently learnt about Magic SysRq. And I’ve been able to shutdown the computer from this unresponsive state with SysRq, R E I S U O. Where as I understand it, the “E” tells processes the end nicely if they can; and then the “I” just ends them by force.

    (At this point, I’m realising that the E is SIGTERM, not SIGINT - so that screws up the relevance of my story; but I figure I’ll keep going anyway.)

    The point is, I’ve been using key combo with a nice pause between each key, thinking there was some chance that processes might be ending gracefully. But when I tried it while the computer wasn’t frozen, the computer was able to inform me that the E and I commands were disabled. (I don’t know why.) So even though I wanted to give a nice “please end” signal, in the end that just wasn’t happening.