Actually Vista performs on par or better, you just used it on a piece of shit device back in the day and the impression had been with you since
Actually Vista performs on par or better, you just used it on a piece of shit device back in the day and the impression had been with you since
Can people stop hating on shit?
FOR FUCKS SAKE, negative reinforcement dopamine has RUINED THE FUCKING NET.
EVERYWHERE I GO there’s someone bitching about something, hate circlejerks are unbelievably popular, people just love to hate on stuff.
You’re ruining your thought patterns with all these social media negativity bullshit.
Fucking TOML users hate on fucking YAML fucking C++ users hate Rust fucking Rust users hate literally everything under the sun and are insufferable to work with
The entire nations of Iran, England, and China would like to know the location of this little bitch