I mean, they constructing so many new flats in my city but because of rental price they stay vacant for years.
Sounds like the government needs to eminent domain them and then rent them for whatever price will fill them. Or if you’re cool, then you’d say it should be for free.
or just have a vacant tax in general, if no one lives there, get charged extra, can’t find tenants? maybe you should lower rent. Not enough demand? Then the business should be unprofitable and you should not get into it, the government should not be responsible to guarantee the success of your business.
wtf is this shit? treating people with respect and humanity? GTFO /jk
Ok hear me out. We build things that look like houses and when they go in to sleep the floor falls out and a pneumatic tube system sends them to jail. It would only be around 300x as expensive as housing them would be.
Then they discover the beds in the jail cells have arm-rests installed right in the middle.
I am sorry, but why is having armrests that bad, most benches i have seen with armrest have them on the ends, and yes a tall person would not fit in, but it is not that bad.
They prevent homeless from sleeping on the benches.
i got that, but i am trying to understand how, i have slept on 1 after playing, and i am tall. not against homeless persons, but was weirded out seeing armrests and spikes in the same line
I think they mean having an armrest in the center of the bench.
i think they mostly mean the ones in the middle
yup that’s what I mean
My parents told me it’s good that they’re demoing things around us to make more apartment complexes and houses because we don’t have enough housing in the city.
Sure we have enough housing. Affordable housing on the other hand?
I know I’m reading too much into this meme but just houses is not enough. There also needs to be easily accessible and comprehensive mental health/addiction treatment because those are pretty big contributors to homelessness, and especially housed people becoming homeless. From reading some of the accounts from the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver for example, people actively looking to get clean are being told to wait months before treatment is available, and people routinely overdose and die while on waitlists for rehab.
And if we take yet another step back, the even more important step is to address what exactly causes people to fall into addiction in the first place. A lot of the time that cause is related to the exploitative and soul crushing existence under capitalism.